Secretary Pt.2

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Jeonghan and seungcheol stumbles inside Jeonghan's house as seungcheol attaches his lips into Jeonghan's.

The ride from the party venue to Jeonghan's house was surely a torcher for seungcheol. Watching Jeonghan sit beside him and while trying to focus on the door and having a horny seungcheol beside him with can't wait to pound on him--

"Seungch--ah" A low moan rips out Jeonghan's mouth as he throws his head back and seungcheol leans down to create hickeys on his neck.

"Cheol--bed--" Jeonghan manages to say and seungcheol lifts him through his hips causing Jeonghan to wraps.himself around seungcheol at the sudden action.

"Where?" Seungcheol's voice is almost low as he whispers into Jeonghan's ears and pulls at his earlobe with his teeth.

"First floor.." Jeonghan says as he wraps his arms around Seungcheol's neck and the older man walks to the said room. Thankfully not stumbling or breaking anything on his way thier.

Once they reach the room, seungcheol gently lays Jeonghan on the bed and hovers over him, his eyes dark with desire. Jeonghan's heart races as he looks up at seungcheol, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Seungcheol leans down and captures Jeonghan's lips in a deep kiss, their tongues dancing together in a heated embrace. Jeonghan moans into the kiss, his hands roaming over seungcheol's back and pulling him closer.

Seungcheol breaks the kiss and trails kisses down Jeonghan's neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. Jeonghan arches his back, his fingers tangling in seungcheol's hair as he gasps for air.

"You are so beautiful Jeonghan.." seungcheol whispers against jeonghan's skin who trembles at the raw emotions but held himself together.

Seungcheol pulls at Jeonghan's shirt and tugs it to remove them. Their clothes are quickly discarded, and seungcheol takes his time exploring every inch of Jeonghan's body with his lips and hands. Planting kisses at the skin that he can't see everyday but still has his imprints on it. The urge to make Jeonghan as his---

Jeonghan writhes beneath him, his body on fire with pleasure. He tangles his fingers with seungcheol's hairs and buckles his hips for fraction.

"Patience baby.." Seungcheol says as he places feather kisses over jeonghan's chest, creating small but dark hickeys. Only for Jeonghan and him to see-- STOP!

Jeonghan arches his back and seungcheol goes lower on him and reaches his pelvic area. Seungcheol reaches Jeonghan's inner thighs as presses soft kisses there occasionally nibbling and driving Jeonghan crazy over all again.

"Seungcheol, I want you...please..." Seungcheol chuckles at the neediness before quickly undressing himself and Jeonghan. Coating his fingers with lube, seungcheol pushes the index finger and Jeonghan moans loudly at the thickness. Seungcheol moves up to capture jeonghan's mouth while pushing his finger into him.

Jeonghan wraps his arms around seungcheol's neck tightly as he pulls at  his partner's hair to ease the pain. Seungcheol after thrusting for a few times pushing another finger in. Jeonghan arches his back as seungcheol's fingers hits the bundle of nerves sending him into a spiral attack.

Jeonghan closes his eyes in pleasure as his nails digs into seungcheol's back that will surely leave marks. Seungcheol looks at the thin layer of sweat covering Jeonghan as his eyes closes and face morphs into pleasure.

Seungcheol's eyes drops to Jeonghan's lips that were red from all the bites and slightly swollen. The soft lips that were inviting seungcheol to devour them. Seungcheol pecks them as he pulls his fingers out of Jeonghan, causing the younger male to whine in displeasure.

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