Pretty things

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"Go and play with him"

Jeonghan huffs at his mother as he shakes his head and shifts back on the chair he was sitting. The seven-year-old was definitely not going over to play with a random kid he didn't even know.

"Share your toys with him"

Jeonghan makes a angry face in the direction of his mother before grabbing his dolls and making his way towards the boy that was standing near the podium seemingly very alone. He watches the boy carefully who seemed to be the same age as him.

"Why are you alone?" Jeonghan asked grabbing the attention of the boy who looks at him before looking away again. Jeonghan frowns as he pokes on the arms of the boy who swats his hands away.

"My name is Jeonghan, what's yours?"


"Do you wanna play---"

"I don't play with boys that play with dolls.." Seungcheol says as he glances at the dolls in his hands before grabbing one. "huh? But why? Dolls are pretty" Jeonghan juts his bottom lip as he held his dolls closer to his chest.

"You don't like pretty things?" Seungcheol looks at him as he nods, "I do, that's why I'm keeping this with me.." he says waving the doll in Jeonghan's face before running off from there.

"Wa-it! My doll!" Jeonghan starts to wail as his mother comes to shush him down. The wedding ends before the jeonghan's cries would die down. Still sad over the fact that seungcheol just stole his doll.


"Seriously shua, why do I have to cover up for your shits?" The twenty-five years old shouts at his twin brother who pleads him. "Just this once hannie please!" Joshua begs as he clamps his hands over jeonghan's who rolls his eyes at him.

"You know, dad will go berserk if he knows that I helped you run away from hour wedding just before the night" Oh yes, it was Joshua's wedding day and he was currently shoving his clothes into a bag pack to run away with his lover. Jeonghan eyes Joshua who fumbles around the room and makes his way for his cellphone before dialing a number and holding it against his ears.

"Are you here yet?"

"Okay!" Joshua grabs his bag pack before making his way to the balcony that had a long ladder kept right outside it. The plan go runaway, also from jeonghan. Jeonghan watches as his brother goes down through the help of the ladder before running towards the gate and his eyes funds the man, Joshua's boyfriend outside the gate ready with a bike.

Next morning comes with chaos as the family wakes up to find the bride missing. Jeonghan sips his coffee as his father kept yelling at his mother for not keeping an eye on Joshua. They knew he has runway but with who's help?

"That Lee kid, I'm gonna kill him once I get my hands on him!" His father's shouts angrily as he picks his phone up before pressing some numbers on his phone. "Did you find him yet?" He asks the person on the other side and after a few seconds a sick grin makes its way on his face.

"Great! Bring them home" Jeonghan's heart starts to beat fast as his father comes go sit beside him in the couch. Did they fund Joshua? Yes, with the power his dad has they surely have found them. "Once I get to know who helped him runaway, I'm digging thier grave too along with that lee" Jeonghan chokes on his coffee as he bites his tongue at the sudden bitter taste.

The front door knocks as his father's man makes thier way inside. Two of them holding on a almost beaten to death seokmin and Joshua latching on to his boyfriend. "Shua!" Jeonghan places the cup down before running towards his brother. "Han, l-look what they did!" Joshua cries in his brother's arms and Jeonghan looks at seokmin.

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