Second chance

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Jeonghan looks at the clocks and his face drops looking at the time. It's 11pm and his husband is not home. His husband Hong jisoo, husband of 2 years is still not home even though it's nearing midnight. He looks at the food on the dining table along with the small red velvet cake with two candle litted on it. Today is their anniversary and jisoo is no where to be seen. This is not a new scenery for Jeonghan though, it has been going like this since last 1 year, jisoo has been coming home very late and leaving early too and sometimes staying overseas for his meeting that to for months.

Jeonghan did sometimes got to point where he started to think that maybe jisoo is cheating on him but as soon as those thoughts would arrive he will suddenly remind himself of how well jisoo took care of him in thier college days. Jeonghan also got tired of addressing this issue to jisoo and just decided to go along with it now. He knows that if even if jisoo would be cheating on him, he can't do anything about it.

Jeonghan sighs as he blows the candle off and places it inside the refrigerator. He made the cake, hoping Joshua would show up atleast on thier fucking anniversary but Jeonghan is clown and he accepts it now. As he was cleaning up the dinning table he hears the door bell ring. 'who could it be at this hour?' Jeonghan frowns as he wipes his hand on the towel and makes his way to the door. The door bell goes for the second time and Jeonghan jogs a little , yelling a 'coming' .

"Who is it?--"

Jeonghan stares at the man present before him, Choi Seungcheol, jisoo's secretary. Seungcheol looks at him with the files present on his hand. "Seungcheol?" Jeonghan question as he moves aside to let seungcheol walk in. "Hello Mr. Hong" Jeonghan never knew his name sounded this horrible untill now. "Hello, but what are you doing here at this hour?" Jeonghan says as he leads the way for seungcheol to the living room.

"Sir sent me here." Seungcheol clears jeonghan's doubts as he settles himself on the couch. Jeonghan's mouth forms an 'o' as he nods. "Well, what will you have then?" Jeonghan says as he walks towards the kitchen.

Seungcheol sees as Jeonghan walk into the kitchen ti bring him something. The urge to say 'you' was very strong and seungcheol was partially good at resisting it. He knows what is happening with the couple and to say the less, he is actually quite happy about it. He knows that jisoo is cheating on Jeonghan and he knows that now most probably even Jeonghan knew that jisoo was surely going down on someone else behind his back. Maybe that way they will get a divorce and seungcheol will finally be able to shoot his shot? Maybe.

Seungcheol saw Jeonghan for the first time when he had been invited for the office party two years back. Jeonghan was beautiful back then and now he has gotten more beautiful. Seungcheol knew that he would fall for Jeonghan sooner or later, but seeing his boss cheat on a angel like him really did made him question his boss's taste? Why would you cheat on someone like Jeonghan? Seungcheol he was goner for Jeonghan when he has accidently seen him in the black dress that Jeonghan wore when seungcheol had visited jisoo's house to drop some files.

The urge to hold Jeonghan and kiss all of his curves did drive seungcheol crazy every time he would think about Jeonghan, also Jeonghan's helping nature and the way he smiles at everyone was the last straw before seungcheol fell for him.

"Here seungcheol" Jeonghan places the cookie and the coffee on the table and sits across seungcheol. Seungcheol smiles at him and takes the coffe mumbling a thankyou to him. "So where is your boss?" Jeonghan question sarcastically and seungcheol looks at with guilt in his eyes. "H-he is w-workin--" "stop lying to me" seungcheol gulps at Jeonghan's stern voice and looks at him.

Jeonghan glares at seungcheol as he leans forward to take a cookie and bite on it. "I know that bastard is cheating on me, and is most probably fucking someone....I want to know who it is this time?" Jeonghan says as he places his legs on the table top. Seungcheol gulps at Jeonghan's bare legs coming in the view when Jeonghan placed his leg on table. Oh how he wants to kiss and praise every inch of jeongh--

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