Devil's babyboy

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"I need you to be a stripper," Joshua turned to Jeonghan, eyes twinkling with need. "Just for tonight," he added quickly, but the clarification did nothing to ease the horrified expression on Jeonghan's face.

"What?" Jeonghan whispered, mortified. Joshua nodded earnestly as he flopped onto the couch, reaching out to grab Jeonghan's cheeks.

"You need money too, and stripping isn't the end of the world!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of excitement and exasperation. Jeonghan swatted Joshua's hands away, scooting further onto the bed.

"I'm in need of money," Jeonghan glared at Joshua, "not desperate." Joshua rolled his eyes dramatically, as if dealing with a particularly stubborn child.

"It's not every day, my honey pie, just for tonight," Joshua cooed, twirling a lock of his own hair as he gazed at Jeonghan. "Also, you just need to fill in for Seraphine tonight."

"Still a no." Jeonghan grunted, crossing his arms defiantly. Joshua huffed and rolled his eyes again, the picture of exaggerated patience.

"Fine! Keep being a bitch then." Joshua mumbled, grabbing his phone. Jeonghan watched, curious despite himself, as Joshua typed something quickly before pressing the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Seungkwan? Are you free tonight? Yes, I need you to fill in for someone at the club... yeah, the pay is high, of course. One thousand dollars a night..." Jeonghan's head snapped up, eyes wide as he lunged to snatch the phone from Joshua's hand.

"I'll come!" he blurted out, panic edging his voice. Joshua smirked, tugging playfully at Jeonghan's lower lip.

"I knew you would, you just needed a push, baby. Now get up and get dressed." Joshua's tone was smug, victorious. Jeonghan frowned, glancing at the phone to see no call was actually taking place. He glared at Joshua before standing up reluctantly.

"You are the worst!" he snapped, exasperated.

"I know," Joshua replied with a wink, clearly enjoying every moment of his little triumph.

"Wear this." Joshua tossed a partially shredded top at Jeonghan, who caught it with a frown.

"The fuck is this? It looks like it's been chewed by a rat," Jeonghan muttered, turning the garment over in his hands, his fingers slipping through the various holes.

"It's called fashion. Look it up when you have time. Now get ready fast," Joshua replied, turning away to touch up his makeup with precision.


"One thousand dollars," Joshua interjected. Jeonghan huffed, resigned, and began changing. He quickly applied some makeup before grabbing the long trench coat Joshua handed him.

When they reached the club gates, Jeonghan watched Joshua shamelessly wink at people, even placing his hands on their faces with an easy familiarity. Then again, it was Joshua; he could get away with murder with that face.

"Wait," Joshua bit his lip as Mingyu stopped them at the gate. "Who's that? Never seen him here before," Mingyu said, eyeing Jeonghan suspiciously. Joshua rolled his eyes internally before swinging an arm around Mingyu's broad shoulders, pulling him down slightly.

"He's a fill-in for Seraphine," Joshua explained. Mingyu's glare didn't soften.

"Come on, Gyu, let him in and I might exchange a strip tease for you," Joshua teased, lips pouting into a perfect bundle. Jeonghan's jaw dropped. He was NOT going to strip for security!

"Fine," Mingyu grunted. Joshua placed a lingering kiss on Mingyu's cheek before pulling away.

"You know where to find me," Joshua murmured, moving aside as Mingyu stepped out of the way to let them through.

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