Mr. Choi

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Warning: cross dressing.


"Jeonghan room 17, Mr Choi is here for you"

There he is. Again. For like what now? 3rd time this week. Jeonghan controls himself from rolling his eyes and stands up, dusting the dust off from his new red slit dress that his best friend slash the owner of this club has gotten for him. He has a weird obsession for wearing dresses, Jeonghan knows he looks pretty in those. He just likes to pamper himself with all the pretty things in this world and nothing can stop him from doing that.

Jeonghan ties his heel straps and walks out of his cabin towards room 17. He hates that room, but not more than the person who is present there. He hates Mr Choi even more. He hates how hot Choi seungcheol is. He hates how his body feels like it's being set on fire everytime seungcheol orders for his service. He hates how his inside tingles whenever he is near him. He hates how wet he gets with the merry touch if Mr Choi. In short he hates Mr Choi seungcheol.

Jeonghan opens the door and steps inside, hearing the shower on he assumes that maybe seungcheol is taking is a bath. So he decides to pop himself on the bed and wait for him.

Today is also one of the day where Jeonghan feels extremely confident about himself and contented. He loves his red wine dress and also mentally notes himself to buy more clothing of this colour. He plops his left leg over right one and leans back in his arms waiting for seungcheol.

Soon enough the shower gets turned off and the door clicks, indicating that seungcheol is now done. Jeonghan bites his lip in a little bit of neediness and inhaled strongly before sitting properly with his back arched. The strong yet smooth cologne of seungcheol hits jeonghan's nose as he bites his lip and inhaled softly. Why does he always feels so needy around seungcheol?

"You look so pretty in that dress, cherry" Seungcheol's Deep raspy voice enters jeonghan's ears giving him a pleasent feeling that he would never ever admit to. Remember he dislikes seungcheol? Yes!

"I know" he snorts a little and bits his lip from smiling when a small smirk crawls upon seungcheol's lips. "Confident? i see" Seungcheol hums as he grabs Jeonghan by his hand pulling him towards his chest. Jeonghan gasps as he places his hand over seungcheol's bare chest to steady himself. Fuck!!! His chest...

"So what's your plan for today?" Jeonghan questions wrapping his hand around seungcheol's neck, his left hand playing with the small hairs present on seungcheol's nape. Seungcheol wraps his hands around jeonghan's small waist and squeezes him lightly, pressing their clothed lowers together lightly. He leans forward to nustle his nose in Jeonghan's neck and collar bones junction, inhaling the smell.

"Let's go out to eat? What to do you want to do?" Seungcheol suggested as his tongue grazes over jeonghan's neck, making him lose his mind over his thinking ability and leaving his gasp for air. See, this is why he hates seungcheol! For making him wet with just one lick. Have some self respect yoon Jeonghan! Jeonghan yells in his mind as he clutches at seungcheol's hair on his back head and presses his upper body more into seungcheol's chiseled built frame.

"Sounds goo-ahh-d" Jeonghan moans out as he throws his head back when seungcheol licks up a strip from his neck to chest. Seungcheol's hands travels down towards Jeonghan ass and squeezes it, not to light but also tight enough to choke out one more moan out of Jeonghan.

"I see you wore the dress I sent hm" seungcheol spoke pulling back from Jeonghan as he rakes his eyes over jeonghan's body. I did the right thing by buying this dress...he looks so freaking delicious. Jeonghan's furrows his eyebrows at seungcheol. That's why Joshua was so hesitant on giving out the bill to Jeonghan. He should have known it coming. After all, it's seungcheol!

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