~♡ 𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 ♡~

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~♡Day 2 - Vampire ♡~
🚧Mention of eating people{blood sucking}, Kidnapping🚧


You were looking around your new house, trying to map out where you wanted things to go before tearing open boxes. But that was interrupted by a knock at your door. You opened it to smiling people, your neighbors. They all welcomed you to the town before handing you a basket. A little welcome gift they give to all newcomers apparently. You weren't rude but you did rush them a bit, you do have your first day of work tomorrow morning after all. That's the whole reason you moved from your city apartment to a little town on the outskirts of nowhere. The pay was crazy, at first you didn't believe it, that and the fact your boss pays for your house and all the bills. All you do is buy food and the rest you can do what you please with! It's crazy!

You closed the door and put the basket on the table so you could go through it. It started off pretty normal; some simple snacks, a bit of cleaning supplies, a pair of slippers, you know normal things. And then you moved the little decorative doily and found the weird shit. Garlic, cut wild roses, a rosary, and a fucking wooden stake!

What kind of sick 'play a joke on the newcomer' is this!? Sure, you've had coworkers give you the wrong direction to the bathroom and friends joke about their houses being haunted but having strangers giving you vampire hunter gear was just fucking freaky! You left the basket on the table after grabbing one of the snacks and just went to bed. Guess you won't be making friends here, not with these freaks. 


You closed and locked your door, jumping when you heard your neighbor yell at you from across the street "Heya neighbor, heading off to work?" You gave a smile and a nod as you left your garden gate "Where do ya work?" 

"Oh well, I'm starting my first day as a maid for the manor up the hill." He looked at you like you just started floating right in front of him "Ah! W-Well have a great workday then!" He rushed off after that and you sighed, a town full of freaks!


The walk up the hill was actually longer than it looked. Through a creepy ass forest patch! When you got to the gate you stopped to take a breath, only to jump as a raven's caw sounded out. Echoing in the silence. You quickly entered the manor and sighed in relief hoping your boss was less of a freak than the townspeople.

Only to be met by not a person, but a paper with your list of choirs and an apology for not greeting you in person, using the excuse of being busy. Ok, you get that, you're a stranger he's paying to just clean his house and go home. You guys don't need to be friends!

You did what you were supposed to and went home to nap.

And it went on like that for several months, until finally you came in and jumped upon seeing a man walking past with a cup of what seemed to be tea. He smiled at you "Ah, hello Ms. L/n. Nice to finally meet you. I love what you're doing to the place." It took you a minute to come down from the shock and realize that it was your boss "Thank you, sir."  

"Oh please, call me Hizashi." He was silent for a moment before he spoke again "People don't usually last this long, I'm very impressed. You've even managed to clear the spiders out of the cellar. I'll have to up your pay if you start doing any more." 

You nodded but your curiosity got the better of you "Why don't people usually last long? This is a sweet deal." You heard the man chuckle before he turned fully to you, his long blonde hair swaying out of his face. He smiled to reveal long fangs protruding from his gums "I get hungry." You yelled, stepping back in shock but before you could book it the tea cup was dropped, shattering on the clean floor as he was supply behind you. Holding your shoulder's tight "But you, well your far too sweet to suck dry little maid." 

He picked you up, completely off the floor, and began walking deeper into the manner as you failed to struggle "But you're just sweet enough to want to keep all to myself." 


(755 Words)

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