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~♡Day 3 - Demon ♡~
🚧Religious Themes, Sexual Themes, Not Smut but Suggestive, Reader Nudity, Yandere Sees Reader Nude, No Excuses I'm Just a Whore 🚧


You sighed as you looked around the trail's head. This used to be a peaceful whole in the wall running trail but now it was a crowded photo background area. It really annoyed you, you've been running here for years, and in the last three months, it's been overrun just because a local micro-celebrity recorded a video of her running the trail. You almost just decided to fuck your run and go back home when you saw a little worn path off to the side of the forest. It looked freshly traveled. Maybe some other annoyed person must have uncovered it. It can't hurt to just go check it out you figured as you slipped through the bushes.

And you're glad for that though, as this trail was even more beautiful than the one you lost, and it was peaceful. You've been going for about thirty minutes and you haven't seen a single soul other than animals. And the way they act, its like they've never met the bad side of a human hand. Such cute little critters not afraid to run right up and accept whatever food you found on the ground nearby. You could get used to this. 

 Eventually though you came to a stop. Not because you were tied or done but because the trial had ended. Right in front of an old building. It looked like a temple out of a fantasy movie, in ruins and overgrown with foliage, but it only added to its beauty. It truly took your breath away, it was like your body moved without your brain. You didn't even realize you were inside until after you were. The inside was still just as beautiful, an empty building with a stone statue of a handsome man only covered by a loincloth. As you got closer you realized it wasn't a statue but a fountain, and even though the building seemed long-abandoned water was still in the bottom, giving a home to a koi fish swimming around inside. 

You took in the statue, one hand running through his long hair, and the other was reached out. Opening and waiting, like he expected something to be placed in it. You quickly dug in your pocket, pulling out a half-eaten granola bar. Softly you placed it in his hand. It just felt right. You didn't stay long after that, taking a picture of the statue before you got back on the trail to head home. While walking down the steps you heard something causing your head to shoot up, it was a deer, grazing off in the distance. You chuckled and the deer looked up, making eye contact with you.


You sunk into the warm bath water with a soft sigh, feeling more relaxed than you have in a very long time. The run must have worn you out really well. Closing your eyes you enjoyed it, the feeling of the warm water. Until you felt a hand run through your hair.

Your eyes shot open screaming as you noticed a man kneeling next to your tub. But it was not just a regular man. His long blonde hair, green eyes, and sweet smile were as normal as any man but what made you know he was no human intruder was the horns and tail, his sharp claws, and fanged teeth. You screamed as your body reacted on its own, trying to shield your privet areas and move to the wall away from him. It made him chuckle "Im sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"W-What are-?"

"What am I? I assume that's what you're trying to ask. It's more polite to ask who I am first though I'll happily answer both for you. My name was known as Hizashi, and I dear little human, am an Incubus." 

You were shaking like the warm water around you was freezing cold "Why are you here!?" 

"You summoned me when you left an offering in my temple." His hand went back to gently running through your hair "I'll leave, as soon as I give you what you want. What you yearn for. Only when you're completely satisfied can I go back to where I came." 

"Go away! I don't want anything from you!"

He smiled, showing off those fanged teeth that you've read about a million times in the late-night cant-sleep Tumblr scrolls "Oh hun, that's not how it works. I need to feed." 


You jumped as you woke. Looking around frantically, it took a moment but you realized you were still in the temple. It was now covered in the darkness of nighttime. You quickly pulled your phone out and turned on the flashlight, shining it in every direction to find you were completely alone. Not even animals were around it seemed. Slowly you stood and carefully walked outside, getting on the trail to head back to your car, assuming you pushed yourself too hard and passed out. The weird dream is simply a creation of your mind. After all, you weren't even home.

While walking with only the flashlight of your phone, stopping when you saw something big walk across the trail up ahead in the dim light. Straining your eyes you noticed it was a big deer, you quickly put your head down and walked a little faster but the deer seemed to always be out of the corner of your eyes. All the way till you were in your car, locked in and trying to catch your breath. That's when you heard the laughter, looking up you noticed the deer in your headlights.

You watched in absolute horror as the deer morphed right beside your eyes. The man from your dreams stood with his hands on his hips in front of your car. You quickly kicked it into reverse and drove like a bat outta hell all the way home. Thankful the cops around aren't shit because you would have definitely got a ticket if they were actually doing their job.

Once home you ran inside, slamming and locking the door, before you rested your head against it. Breathe in, breathe out. You kept reminding yourself as you tried to make it make sense. Suddenly a hand slammed down on the door next to your face, its claws scratching against the surface. You jumped but your body was quickly pinned by his. You saw his hair as you heard whispering in your ear "You might as well get used to seeing me sweetheart, because I'm not going anywhere until I get to taste you."

He walked off but you stood there, a mix of shock and fear making you begin to cry. But the incubus didn't care. You summoned him, you owe him. And he'll wait as long as it takes.


(1144 Words)

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