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~♡Day 10 - God♡~
🚧Nightmares/Visions, Cult/Twisted Religion, Murder/Death/Sacrifice, Death...But not really, Reincarnation Menitoned, Blood, Drugging, Stranger Danger, Bound Down, Knife/Dagger, Pet Names {Muse, Little Mortal, Little Muse}🚧



You struggled against the binds holding you to the bed as the clocked figures stood over you chanting. They ignored your screams and cries as if they couldn't even hear you. The one above your head raised their hands, and that's when you saw the glint of the danger. You screamed out please for your life but they fell on deaf ears as the danger was plunged into your head, blood splattered out of you as the earth itself began to shake. Cracking as what seemed to be lava exploded from the cracks


You tossed quickly, falling from your bed and smacking the ground with a loud "Fuck!" You slowly sat up panting and wiped your tear-stained sweaty face with your shirt. You'd think after having the same nightmare every night for the past few years it wouldn't affect you as bad as the first time, but you'd be wrong!

Picking yourself off the floor you flipped on every light you passed to get to the bathroom where you stood looking at your sleep-deprived self in the mirror for a moment before you turned on the warm water and splashed your face. 'It's just a nightmare' you reminded yourself as you turned the water off and stripped out of your clothes to get ready for the day, sure its four am but you're not going to sleep again any time soon after that. Hey, at least you have time to tidy up a bit now!

Later that day you were scrolling when you found a blog about weird dreams or nightmares. You chuckled as you read through a few of the send-ins, they don't know what weird is! After a bit of back and forth, you wrote your own nightmare down and posted it, perhaps sharing it might make it better somehow. Or at least give people some entertainment. 

And entertain it did, by that evening your story was one of the most top-rated, with comments to boot. But one comment stood out to you the most, it wasn't a laugh or sympathy or any of that.

Midnight_Rain69 - I've been having this exact same nightmare for years

It sent a little shiver down your spine. Then you got the private message 


💜: Hey I know this may seem weird but, would you wanna meet up for lunch? I would like to discuss the dream with you. Its just so nice to know I'm not suffering alone, you know?


It was weird, and a bit sketchy but...

Where at? :🤍


Curiosity killed the cat after all...


You sat at the table, the purple-haired woman smiled at you as she pushed the tea already on the table to you. She looked like a wanna-be modern witch and you couldn't figure out if you liked it or not. She did in fact have the same nightmare as you though, she had details you didn't even put in your post. It was crazy, she could recount your nightmare word for word from her own perspective of being on the table. It was uncanny honestly but also a relief you weren't suffering alone. She was right, it was nice to have an ally.

When you two parted ways after the lunch with promises to meet up again you started walking back to your house, only to feel the earth around you start to spin- no not the earth. You, your head was spinning a bit. And then you fell sideways, falling into soft arms.

"I lied, I wasn't tied to the table. I was holding the dagger." It was whispered into your ear, sounding muffled yet there as you fought to stay awake.


You woke still disoriented, trying to move your hand to rub your eye only for it to jerk back, turning your head you found yourself tied to a stone slab. Your brain reeled for a moment, was this awake, or was this a nightmare!?

"She's up!"

Awake, fucking hell! That's when you started to panic, jerking at your binds as you shuffled about. The cloaked figures appeared around you and the panic became worse, this can't be fucking happening! You struggled so hard that some clocked people had to hold you down as they began to chant. The one above your head removed her hood and it was Midnight_Rain69!

She raised the dagger with a sick smile that made you scream louder, this can't be happening! This is just supposed to be some weird fucked up nightmare maybe caused by childhood trauma! You haven't even really lived yet! You haven't gotten your dream job! Gone to see the sights of the world! Married! I can't die like this!

The dagger stuck your heart as the earth began to shake


"Are you alright my muse?"

You held your heart as you sobbed, it hurts! It hurts bad! Huge hands scooped you up- oh, the pain's gone. You sat up slowly as you regained the ability to breathe normally and looked at the giant man, he practically glowed. His bright blonde hair, bright green eyes, and bright smile that made your stomach flutter. 

"A god... I was sacrificed to a god."

He chuckled, it was like music "Just like always." 

"Like always?" You looked confused making him smile wider "You and every past and future life are created for one purpose. To be my bride, to bare my children, little mortal. Those dreams you haven't aren't just dreams, their memories of past lives."

"Hard pass, send me home-"

"Your home is here little muse always has been always will be, you'll fall into your role in time. You always do." He set you back onto the ground and stood up straight, you only went up to his knee if you were standing on your tippy toes. He walked off leaving you to look around the large temple with a feeling of dread and loneliness, along with an odd feeling of familiarity. You've been here before.


(1000 Words)

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