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~♡Day 22 - Werewolf♡~
🚧Harrasment Mentioned, Self-Isolation, Fear, Y/n Pees Herself, Minor Injuries, Kidnapped, Human Bones Mentioned, Acceptance Of Death 🚧


You took a deep breath as you slowly got out your car to look around. The smell of moss, rain, and assorted flowers met your nose making you smile as you grabbed your two bags out of the trunk of your car and headed up to the old oak porch.

You broke up with your boyfriend not even two weeks ago and already your life has been hell. Your ex's family decided to take this moment while you were already down and kick you. Fucking with you on social media and in real life to the point you didn't even want to leave your house anymore. So you ended up calling your grandmother and asking if you could use her cabin for a while. She didn't mind, no one's been up there since Uncle James's got mauled by that bear up there. 

But to you, that cabin seemed like heaven on earth. It had no internet or cell service plus it was remote so as long as they didn't follow you they wouldn't be able to contact you at all! So for two months you'll be totally left alone, and honestly, you think that might be perfect for you at this point in your life. Nothing but healing and peace for miles. Maybe by the time you go home they'll have given up.

You finally got the door unlocked and pushed it open, dropping your bag by the door you looked around. Dusty, but quaint. A nice little off-the-grid cabin. For the rest of the day you simply clean and put your things where they belonged. 

And for the first whole month it was lovely. You picked up running, yoga, and medication. You got to watch the prettiest sunrises and even prettier sunsets. The night sky bright with thousands of stars that made you feel so small yet amazed you at the same time. You took your time with your books and paints. It was just as you thought, a slice of heaven on earth. You were sure that you'd come back.

But the second month made you begin to doubt that. You stopped running because you kept hearing noises yet couldn't find anything, when you tried to watch the sun or stars you felt watched, your books were done and your paints were gone. Finding things to do inside the cabin became hard but you didn't want to go home yet. You promised yourself two months.

It all came to bat on night. You had just finished dinner, sitting on your bed rereading one of the books you bought as the old radio played whatever was on. The sound started, distant howling. No matter how hard you tried to ignore it, it made you curious and dreadful. You haven't heard any of that the whole time you've been here. And it was only one, usually coyotes and wolves run in packs. 

The curiosity got the better of you and so you grabbed the old oil lantern and got it going before you stepped onto the porch, just right out the door. Your hand was still on the handle as you held the lantern up and slowly began to scan the woods line. Right off the left you spotted it. First the feet, and slowly your eyes roamed up until you met red eyes and a snarling maw. You froze as you locked eyes with the wolf...the bipedal 7-foot wolf. You felt the piss run down your leg when the thing let out a mighty howl shaking you to your core.

Your eyes went from the wolf's hungry ones to the car, to close. You pushed the door open and fell inside, quickly slamming it shut and locking it behind you still on the floor. 

You scrambled into the kitchen corner next to the icebox trying to make a game plan. No way you could get to your car right now but maybe it'll be gone in the morning. Fuck all your shit you'll book it and drive like hell till your back on the highway. You can replace all the shit you left-


What was that!?  You thought to yourself as you curled up tighter


There it is again! 

The door busted open and a scream ripped through the air as the huge blond wolf-like man came into the house sniffing around. When his eyes met yours he walked over and grabbed you-Oh that's you screaming like that. He turned and carried you through the woods and you screamed and failed, it didn't seem to deter him at all. He walked for a bit before you were carried through the entrance of a cave, your throat raw from screaming. 

With the fact you could no longer scream your attention was brought to your surroundings. The cave was littered with the bones of past prey along with the things they carried at the time. You knew this was it and as awful as it sounds, you accepted it. You had no more fight, you couldn't flight. And all that was left was the cold dreadful acceptance that settled deep in your heart as you thought on your life. All the what ifs, the regrets, the good times you'll never get again. Your family, friends, and strangers you wish were more. 

The wolf thing bent down and placed you into a dip in the ground, just deep enough that you could jump out, steep enough that you couldn't try to crawl, and large enough to lay down in. You know because you did lay down and curl into yourself

"If you gonna eat me can't you just fucking get it over with! Dont toy with me!"

The thing cocked its head to the side like a dog confused at its owner's command "No eat." He ?growled? out, gravely and inhuman. More like he was mimicking words and not actually speaking them "No hungry. Lonely." The words slowly settled in your brain. "I watched. I like. You stay." 

'Lonely, I watched, I like, You stay'

You began to cry as the wolf walked away from the opening of the hole, you don't know what's worse. Being eaten, or being held captive. At least if he ate you, the suffering would be over.


(1053 Words)

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