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~♡Day 23 - Exorcist♡~
🚧Cult/Twisted Religion, Exorcism, Tied Down, Isolation, Kidnapping, Possession Mentioned🚧


You sat before the council in the nicest dress you owned looking the leader right in the face as he shuffled through the papers. You had gotten caught with serious contraband, books from the outside world about love and rebellion. Now you were on trial for your crimes against the community and your oh-so-grand leader. "And how do you plead?" All eyes were on you as 'your' grand ruler Hizashi asked, watching you over the rim of his read glasses waiting for the answer. And then the unexpected happened. You smiled, causing a few gasps to come from the town "Guilty, on all charges."

The council looked almost just as shocked as you basically admitted to the world that you sneak off to the outside world to see a man you are romantically involved in without your ruler's blessing who gives you outside things to sneak back in. Hizashi's eyebrow slowly raised "Is that an admission of guilt?" You shrugged, but the smile said more than words ever could. Yes, yes it was and you weren't remorseful at all. More gasped before Hizashi stood with a sigh making the room go dead silent. You could hear a fly flap its wings clear as day in that tiny room "You have brought the devil into this community!" 

You almost giggled, not that you believed any of his mumbo jumbo preachings. Haven't for a while now, you were actually planning to running away with your boyfriend when the time came but they found your book stash before you were ready. Your fun mood died down quickly though when Hizashi splashed you with holy water he always kept in his pocket. You let out a little yelp as it got in your eyes  "You have let evil in your heart and it has corrupted you! It needs to be expelled!"

Oh boy, you couldn't help but think as you realized what he just 'confirmed'

You've heard about exorcisms being done here long ago, but there hasn't been one for as long as you've been alive. Though you still knew what they entitled and that didn't sound so fun to you. Suddenly two men grabbed your arms and hauled you off kicking but not screaming, as if you'd embarrass yourself like that. It wasn't long after that you found yourself strapped down to Hizashi's private with candles all around you. Hizashi was the only one in the room, dressed like an idiot you might add as he had put on his sacred robes. You struggled to get out of your binds in vain while he seemed to be distracted setting this whole thing up.

"Ah don't worry, I'm not gonna start spouting bible verses at you or soaking you in holy water. I just want you to agree that you won't leave our paradise again." He gave you a smile, like it was a reasonable request.

"And what do you care if I leave? More little sheep will be born to serve you. What's one person leaving!? Scared I'll make some people open their eyes to your bullshit?" Your face was grabbed hard, forcing you to look into his sparkling eyes "Because if you leave, then how can I go on? I need you in my life like I need air to breathe. I can't let some random bozo have you when I've spent so long trying to make a plan to have you all to myself, luckily for me you basically threw yourself into my lap."

He smiled as it dawned on you that this little removing the devil thing was only a ruse to get you alone and separated from the others. An excuse to keep all others away from you.


(630 Words)

6 Days left 

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