The Witch's Return

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A cold bitterness overtook Liu'er Mihou. All at once he was young again. Taken years into his past to a time where his anger festered and his impulses seeked blood. Foolishly he had taken up the offer of a wicked being.

She was deceivingly sweet and understanding. Her words soaked into Mihou's soul and promised him resolution to the turmoil. At this point, he was longing for his mate. His loneliness drove him rather mad as he waited and waited for Wukong to return from his journey westward. In his naive youth, he listened to the poison she spew.

Had he followed her advice, he would have done the unforgivable, he was sure. It was only due to the kind hand of the Monk Tang Sanzang and pleading of Wukong that he saw reason. Drawn into his mate's arms and securely held. Kissed so sweetly it stole his breath away...

The fog of his mind had lifted and he felt free of her perfidious touch.

He could still feel the chill on his nose as she screamed. Hidden behind Wukong as the great Monk sealed the Witch within her coffin, left to rot unless she saw the error of her ways.

Mihou had almost forgotten her. However, he could never mistake the touch of her influence. The murky blue of her gaze...

It shined clear in these soldiers' empty skulls- filled with nothing but ice and lies.

" Lady Bone Demon ." he hissed, summoning his weapon from the shadows that licked his feet. He held it outward, baring his fangs to the enemies before them. Wukong was pressing to his side, his hand slipping around Mihou's waist as it had done all those centuries ago. Forgotten rage lurking beneath his fiery eyes- assured to never let the beldam anywhere near his beloved ever again.

Ao Lie turned sharply, his eyes a piercing green, "That's impossible!" He himself had been there to bare witness to her downfall. There was no doubt in his mind that his Master's power would hold her forever more, so how could she be here? Before any debate could be had, a soldier leapt. Ao Lie was quick to react, side stepping to avoid its attack. The ground cracked against where its hammer fell, splintering the ground with ease. The dragon stared quietly, examining the damage down, before side swiping the boney creature to remove its legs and sending it flying back towards its companions.

The creature's power was like a crashing tide. Slow, but powerful once it was upon you.

"We can figure out the how later." Wukong's voice is clear in its resolve. "For now, we get these things out of our way."

All at once the soldiers were throwing themselves forward. An avalanche of stomach churning shrieks and sorrowful moans.

With the experience of countless battles before, Wukong surged forward to meet them. While it had been some time since his last battle a simple flick of his hand was tossing a handful of these walking dead back out the window they crawled from. More continued to pour through, seeping from the doors now. It was hard to pinpoint an exact number. War was breaking out, surrounding Azure and his court in overwhelming numbers. Tables were flipped, and chairs shattered against the walls.

Just knocking them down wasn't enough. They would just stand back up and piece themselves back together. It was something MIhou had seen once before, but on a larger scale. One of Lady Bone Demon's henchmens he had bested many years ago. He never thought he would think back to something like that.

Macaque was flipping over his mate to slam his staff down against a few breakable skulls, opting to shatter the bones completely to avoid any reconstruction. "Aim for their heads!" he called to the others. "The magic within them will just pull them back together if left as they are."

Peng was quick on the upkeep, taking the skulls of two and slamming them together. "Wouldn't have it any other way." he cracked his knuckles, his smirk wild. "Come on then, who's next?" he gestured for them to dare stand before him, itching for something to break. The first one dumb enough to approach was crushed in a flourish of golden feathers.

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