Quiet Dreams

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Liu'er Mihou was floating. Everything was murky, swirling around him in patches of color. He could hear voices and sounds- strange shapes taking form around him. After being alive for so long, it was easy to identify when he was in a dream. His body was light, and the area was fluttery. Reaching out his hand, golden hair materialized before him, quickly taking the form of his Husband. He smiles, taking Wukong's cheek into his hand. Even within a dream, his sun took hold of his heart and bore it with care.

"Baba!" little hands were grasping at their arms and swinging between them a moment later.


Their child giggled, crawling up to his Father's shoulder to hold onto. With dazzling eyes Wukong and Xiaotian smile at him. The loves of his life and everything he could ever need to be happy. It eased his mind as he took their hands. His baby, who sometimes took the form of his far younger self in Mihou's dreams, was chirping for him. It felt like home.

This was all he needed. 

Are you sure?

Xiaotian abruptly turned his head, staring off into the distance. His gaze was distant and melancholy. He was searching for something, quietly whimpering when he couldn't find it. When Mihou tried to ask him what was wrong, Xiaotian didn't respond with words.

Instead, he pointed his finger outward. Mihou followed the direction to meet with a figure in the distance. They stood alone, waiting, watching.

A sudden doubt overtook the shadow monkey, gnawing the back of his brain. Puzzled, Mihou turned away from his Husband and Son. This person was standing just a few inches away, and they seemed blurry, their faces complicated to make out. Little details shined with clarity the closer he got, giving Mihou something to grasp onto.

Dark brown fur covered this stranger's arms and legs, cupping his face in lovely curls. Liu'er felt his heart melting. Such a sweet little nose- what a cute little smile-

Macaque approached without much thought, reaching for the stranger eagerly. No... No, this wasn't a stranger. He knew them, and he knew them well. They were his everything.

They held his heart as firmly as Xiaotian did.

As he stepped closer, his hand brushed against the cheek of this person. They leaned against his hand, smiling. It was like sunshine breaking through clouds.

When Liu'er looked down, starry golden eyes looked back at him. Joy overcame him. He smiles back, basking in that golden light and tugging the bundle of dark brown fur against him. He chirped, and the being tweeted back. They embraced and nuzzled, their foreheads tight together.

"My —- !"

Wait. What did he say?


What was that word?


My Baby....

Liu'er felt himself shudder, clinging tightly to the bundle in his arms. This was a child, and they were his. But that didn't make any sense. He had a son; of course, he did. Xiaotian. His Sunspot. His little one.

He didn't have others...? Was this his brain telling him he wanted more? That he craved a bigger family? That was very likely, but he wasn't sure that was entirely right. Of course, Liu'er wanted more children with Wukong. A large tribe of their own~

That would come with time. When things weren't as crazy as they were now, and they could assure Xiaotian's safety, they would return to the picture of having more little ones. This child, however, felt like a familiar addition. He felt like they had always been there in some way.

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