Puzzle Piece

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"What do you mean he never came home?!" With her phone pressed against her right ear and her hand muffling the loud music of the club, Mei finally answered the multiple calls from Pigsy and Tang. It had taken some time at first, her assuming the buzzing was just the under beat of one of the songs. They had been desperately trying to get a hold of their son, but had instead reached Mei after numerous failed attempts.

Tang's voice was calm compared to Pigsy, which crackled with anger laced worry. "He didn't come back for his curfew. We thought maybe he was just running late so we waited a bit, but we still haven't seen him." Tang explained softly, pressed close to Pigsy's side. The chef wrapped his arm around Tang to steady them both, pacing the shop for the hundredth time that night.

"You were with him weren't ya?? Did you see him head home?" Pigsy added in.

Mei's head swam as she tried to make sense of the situation. She struggled to comprehend what was happening, opening and closing her mouth in confusion. "I... I did?" she finally managed to choke out. It had been hours since they said goodbye to each other- maybe 2 or 3? It should have taken him only 10 minutes to return home from there. Something didn't add up.

As Mei scrolled through the call history, she couldn't help but notice the countless missed calls from MK's parents. Each red dot on the screen standing out like a beacon of worry and concern. But there was no trace of any calls or messages from MK. No indication of trouble or distress. Silence echoed from her phone, leaving her with more questions than answers. Where was MK?

"I saw him heading back to the truck..." She stumbled out of the dimly lit club, her vision blurry and head spinning from the mix of far too many energy drinks and adrenaline. Despite her daze, her eyes burned with dark anger as she headed for her bike. If anyone had even touched her MK... there would be hell to pay.

"What?" Pigsy and Tang prompted for more information.

"We had dinner and then his watch went off for his curfew," she ran a hand through her hair, heading right for her bike. "We went to Crimson Burger! I swear he- he was heading home??" but had she seen him get into his car? Had she seen him driving off?


No she hadn't.

"I'm going to Crimson burger!" she declared, tossing her leg over her bike and clicking for her helmet to emerge over her head.

"We'll meet you there. We'll keep trying his cell." Tang says quickly, rushing to grab his jacket. They had called Sandy about an hour earlier with their own concerns, thinking MK might have gone to his uncles.

Finding he hadn't, Sandy had come to the shop in his own car, opting to drive his family to Crimson Burger.

As Mei's bike rounded the corner, Mei's heart sank at the sight of the delivery truck still parked in front of the Crimson Burger. The same dented bumper and faded logo were unmistakable, and she felt a knot of dread form in her stomach. It hadn't moved an inch since she last saw it, and she could feel her hands starting to shake with worry.

"You better have fallen asleep in there or something...!' She tossed off her helmet, messily parking her bike just as Sandy arrived with MK's parents. They were hopping out just as Mei got to the truck

Desperate and panic-stricken, she pressed her face harder against the glass, searching frantically for any sign of MK or the car keys. But all she found was an empty seat, empty truck- No MK.

"Is he there?" Tang was running towards her, his hair messy and eyes frantic.

"No..." she shook her head.

"Kid..." Pigsy turned to look back and forth down the street. MK was a good kid. A little sneaky when it came to food or trying to steal a few extra breaks at work- but he would never just leave the truck like this. Wouldn't go for hours without a word when it came to his curfew!

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