Cracks in the Wall

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Six months after he was adopted, MK returned to the park near the orphanage. He admits he had avoided this place until he was positive he wouldn't be sent back into the system.

After his conversation with Pigsy and Tang, however... His Dad and Dadsy, he wasn't afraid.

They were his family. He was their son. He was the son of somebody. He was the child of a family. He wasn't just MK anymore. He was MK, son of Pigsy and Tang and nephew of Sandy.

That was who he was now. That is who he was proud to be.

For the first time in his life, he had a home he could call his own. A bed that was his. A front door he didn't have to knock on to enter- he could just go in.

Warm smiles and even warmer hugs. He could talk and talk, and they didn't mind listening! And when they scolded him for avoiding homework or forgetting to do his dishes, they still ruffled his hair and praised him for the good he did do.

But, in his excitement and fear of what might be, he had neglected what was.

There was someone, in particular, he hadn't had a chance to talk to: Mei .

He hadn't seen her since he transferred schools a few weeks back. He wondered if she was worried. He had no means of contacting her all this time, not having a phone himself- so he was worried she might be mad at him.

Heading into the park, he took in the expanse of it. Children of all ages ran around the structure. He didn't play amongst the swings or monkey bars much anymore, preferring to play video games on Mei's gaming console and talk about comics when they were here.

This place had been a sanctuary to him for a long time. Being back after so long felt strange. He hadn't expected a few weeks to make the location feel so odd. There were new flowers and some construction in the street- familiar, yet strange.

Eyeing the benches and shaded trees, he wondered if Mei would be here today. He wondered if she was still tricking the little kids into sneaking her candy, or helping the younger girls tie their hair up into buns like she did.

Or maybe she was home, having forgotten all about him the moment they stopped surrounding their lives around the other.

He kept looking just to be safe.

But what if it were true? What if she stopped showing up entirely and gave up waiting for him? His heart clenched, wondering if he could track her down at their old school?

Just as he contemplated what to do- Something sharp dug into his back!

He fell face-first into the ground as a bicycle ran him over. "AH!" He tossed his head up, stunned. Reminded of when he was little, the bike slid to a stop. It was strong, sharp colors of green and white, with a black-haired girl on its seat.

"M-Mei!" He sat up on his knees, smiling brightly.

She was tossing off her helmet, throwing herself off the bike to run to him. "I thought it was you!"

Pausing to stand up, MK held his arms out, "...And you still hit me??"

"Of course I hit you!" she cackled. They were ramming into each other with such force, clinging to their best friend with glee. "I missed you!"

MK let out a happy whoop and lifted her off the ground in a tight hug, his smile like sunshine as he spun her around in the air, "I missed you too, Mei...! Even if you did hit me, which is mean, but that is okay!"

"It's been forever! A hit tax for being gone for so long was the correct course of action." Mei tells him. First, MK left school, and now he never showed up at the park. "I thought you were dead!" She wailed. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him. For weeks she had been coming here every day, hoping against hope that he would show up. Now he was showing up out of nowhere with that silly smile on his face! She had almost given up... She was glad she didn't.

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