Starting Line

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The time read as 2AM when the hover bike touched down in the early city hours. Its light illuminated the tall building like a beacon, blanketing the roof of the complex for just a moment before drawing still. The city lay quiet, enshrouded in darkness as its residents slept soundly through the night. Very few were awake at this time, and those who were didn't have enough awareness to notice the sleek hoverbike that cut through the skies.

A single light illuminated the rooftop of the apartment building, its yellowish glint creating a warm halo around it. Tiny tendrils of fiery illumination billowed around it, almost like hair being moved by the wind.

"You'd never be able to sneak anywhere at night," a soft voice murmured, attached to this flame's back. The Prince of the mountain's face was half highlighted in color due to the heat of Red Son's hair. Like a vivid work of art, it casted warmth to the surrounding area, warming Xiaotian's heart in a strange sense. "Like a lantern in the distance," he mumbled. He squished tight ro Red Son's warmth, the fall air crisp and cold.

Red Son shifted his gaze to Xiaotian, a hint of displeasure flashing across his face in response to his friend's statement. "I can't control my hair," he murmured quietly.

Then his gaze softened into a look of concern. The ending of their trip had gone from a raucous celebration to a breathless silence.

Xiaotian's eyes sparkled yet gave an exhausted appearance, rosy cheeks and trembling shoulders due to the biting cold. He was not accustomed to such frigid nights, as his home in the jungle was normally far more tropical and balmy.

Were other places in the world always this cold?

Red Son gingerly touched Xiaotian's forehead, trying to check for a fever, but found that he was unable to tell the difference between his own naturally heated skin. "I shouldn't have made you jump through so many portals," he said softly as he removed his jacket and draped it around Xiaotian's shoulders. He was rather bundled now, jacket and scarf all secure.

Xiaotian tilted his head slightly, a small smile crossing his lips. "It was my choice," he declared. He shifted his weight, bringing one foot over the side of the hoverbike as he prepared to get off. Xiaotian attempted to stand on the ground but as his foot made contact, his knees buckled. Red Son was there in a moment, arms outstretched and bracing his arm out to catch him.

"Careful...!" Red Son scooped the simian up into his arms as he had done before. They hadn't stopped for a bite to eat like Red Son would have liked, but he was sure he could make Xiaotian something in the apartment. "We should get you inside,"

"Sure..." Xiaotian curled up in a tight little ball, his dark eyes wide with shock as he took in the forbidding skyward towers and crowded apartments that filled the city skyline. His voice was barely audible as he whispered, "You really bought an apartment here...?"

"Yes. It isn't too far from my parents' domain. Close enough to quickly get to it by hover bike, but far enough they wouldn't think to look."

Xiaotian looked eager. It was so new. What did it look like during the day?

Red Son felt pleased that Xiaotian seemed happy, "Come on," shifting Xiaotian into a more comfortable carrying position, Red Son walked to the roof access door.

Cradling Xiaotian in his arms, Red Son descended several levels of the building via the emergency staircase. Towering cement stairs that echoed at the slightest noise. Carpeted floors that held so many doors down the hallway- these were all such new things to Xiaotian.

The place smelled different. So many unknown scents and people.

"Stop," Red grumbled at how heavy Xiaotian's tail wagged, smacking his knee every time.

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