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"Bàba?" Xiaotain asked one day, his expression rather serious. He was 5 years old and had recently lost and grown his new canines. His first big boy teeth.
Liu'er was brushing the comb through Xiaotian's fur, humming a little. "Yes?"

"If I asked Daddy to marry me, would you get upset?" his child asked with complete honesty in his choice of actions for the day. He seemed nervous, genuinely concerned that this would drive some wedge between him and his Father.

"Oooh?" Liu'er gave a little tilt of his head, pretending to contemplate it. His tail swished behind him, curling at just how CUTE this all was. He remembered Iron Fan's own story of how Red Son wished to marry DBK when he was younger. How the mighty Bull King gave a solemn nod, but was hiding his face into his hands when Red Son turned away to get his Father flowers. So now it was their turn, was it? "Well, so long as I'm invited and get some of the cake, I don't mind. You'll have to take super good care of him though." he chuckled at the obvious wag of his son's tail.

"I will! I will!" he assures his Bàba. He gave his Father a hair clip for his fur, already devising the plan in his head to gather some flowers and set up where the wedding would be held. "Will you be my best man?" he leaned into Liu'er stomach, nuzzling into him.

Liu'er put a hand to his chest, "Why, Sunspot." he cooed. "I would be honored.'' He tilted his Son's head back to kiss his forehead. Wukong was going to flip when he heard about this later.

Hopping off the stool the little monkey excitedly rushed outside to begin the wedding prep. While he did this, Liu'er fetched the camera. He had never been one to care for the passing of time or memorialize it- but since having their child he found he was eager to keep and hold every memory. Checking for footage, he snuck his way outside their home behind the waterfall to track Wukong down. His mate was towards the top of the mountain, plucking some peaches from their personal supply. Placing them into baskets, he noted how Liu'er sat on the nearby rock, camera in hand.

"What are you up to?" he asked, frowning when the camera zoomed in on his face. "I don't like when you pull that thing out, Mihou."

His mate chuckled impishly, "Too bad for you. It's not even on yet."

"It's not?"

Macaque shrugged innocently. "Maybe." it wasn't, but he was happy to let Wukong think it was for now. 

Wukong put his hands to his hips, heated that he was being recorded. He hated having someone watch him like this. Made him feel self conscious of everything he did. This clearly showed in his body posture, turning away awkwardly from his mate as he plucked another fruit. "This isn't something perverted, is it?" he asked over his shoulder, a swish to his tail. The long pause from his lover was unnerving. Instantly regretting his choice, Wukong gulped. "I mean..."

The smirk that pulled at Liu'er lips was deadly. " Now there is a thought~"

Wukong sputtered, heat in his cheeks, "N-Now hold on, that isn't what I meant to- y-you were the one who had the camera!"

Liu'er leaned forward, eyes half-lidded. "I had no idea, Peaches." he looked Wukong up and down. The idea was rather tantalizing now, considering how shy Wukong got in front of cameras. "An idea to explore later."

Wukong was beat red, shaking his head. "N-No! No no nonononono." he waved his arms around. "Mihou, stop it. Get it out of your head...! Mihou!" he covered himself and hid behind the tree at his mate's look- practically undressing him with his eyes. "Pervert! Perverttt." he hissed quietly. "You taint this mountain with your thoughts...!"

Mihou's voice was like silk, "You were the one who suggested it. So clearly deep down, you were thinking about it first."

" Stopppp." Wukong whined, wanting to bury himself under some rock somewhere. He heard his mate chuckle, evil in nature but cute in sound. He stuck his head out to watch how Mihou tilted his head back and grinned ear to ear, cackling his little head off. His heart melted- Liu'er beauty matching the sunny day in his brilliance. "You are lucky I love you." he says, albeit a tad accusingly. "Now put the camera down."

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