Good-Bye Old. Hello New!

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The next morning, Pigsy was closing the shop for the day to head to the orphanage with Tang. They approached the structure with heavy criticism. Children were running around wildly, some caretakers watching while others were on their phones. They understood in a way that this was similar to any other job. Some were more professional than others- but as someone who took his own work very seriously, this left a sour taste in Pigsy's mouth.

All he dealt with was food. These were living people- children. They deserved more than whatever limited effort this place was giving.

He always thought every Orphanage was better than this. That they strove to fill their staff with psychologists, social workers, therapists- people like that to help ensure the mental and physical safety of the children in their care?? Perhaps this place just wasn't that way anymore.

Approaching the front desk, Pigsy introduced himself gruffly and unapproachable. Tang was quick to step forward instead with a calmer tone. He explained why they were there and asked for more information regarding the adoption process, all while holding Pigsy's hand to steady him.

"Of course, right this way."

They were sat down in a side room, given all the information they would need. There was paperwork, some interviews, and child and adult meetups to meet some of the children- Give them a chance to bond before anything was set in stone. Pigsy knew it was a long process... But something about this all still felt too short? With how these people were talking it made it sound like they could adopt any child within the day? He thought this sort of thing took weeks?

Tang went over everything with a fine tooth comb, asking the more important legal questions that Pigsy didn't quite understand.

"We are so glad to welcome you here to our establishment." The head of the orphanage entered the room after some time. She was well dressed, welcoming them with a practiced smile. Sitting before them she was eager to get down to business. "So tell me, what interested you in adoption?"

Pigsy rubbed the back of his neck. "...A recent encounter got us thinking about it. It's been stuck in our head since." Of course, it hadn't even been 24 hours yet but sometimes you just knew when something was right.

"Well, we have many adorable children for you to meet with." The woman gave a toothy smile. "Is there an age range you are interested in?"

"Actually." Tang pushed up his glasses, "We already had an interest in one of the children here. A young boy, about 12, named MK?" He drawled out. The woman's eyes widened slightly, surprised.

"MK?" She asked. "Oh I... I see." She turned to go through the cabinet, easily pulling out the child's file. "A very creative boy." There was hesitance in her voice, "Well I'm happy to let you look over this, but I must give a word of warning- his personal grades at school are on the decline." She quickly explained. "Not because he doesn't apply himself or try, but due to his health."

"Health?" They asked.

She nodded, "Ever since the child came into our care he has been riddled with illness. We've had countless doctors come in and out who have never been able to explain his condition. It's gotten tremendously better the older he gets but has never truly gone away." She explained quietly, offering the file to Tang to look at.

It was a simple set up, explaining his likes and dislikes. His grades in school, as well as his health history. Everything a person might need to know if considering adoption. Tang poured over the document, Pigsy leaning right over his shoulder.

His heart clutched painfully at just how many times MK had been sick. It seemed not a single month could go by before he was bedridden again. This resulted in him missing school a lot and falling behind from missing days.

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