Monkey Kid

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Sun Wukong was reeling when gold flashed in front of his vision. Nearly falling off his cloud, he stammered a sharp yell when he realized his sworn sibling Peng, was following him.

"What are you doing here?!" he demanded, both zooming through the clouds at break neck speed.

Peng twisted their body, shifting below the cloud to appear on the other side of Wukong, their wings easily able to keep up with it's speed. "You are going to look for Xiaotian, yes?" the bird says simply. "I'm joining you."

Wukong bristled, stunned. Not that he didn't appreciate the help to find his son, but what of the war?? It was bad enough he had to be stepping away, they couldn't afford to lose Peng as well.

Wukong opened his mouth to protest, but Peng raised their wing to silence him. "Do not argue with me, brother. The war is not a lost cause simply because the two of us are not present. You know this as well as I." they folded their arms, eyes sharp. "I reported to Azure and he saw no reason I could not join you. Not to mention..." they looked ahead, "If you are sensing a change with your staff and it isn't Xiaotian, we have something just as big to worry about."

Anyone carrying that thing around was not something that was wanted right now.

Wukong grimaced, understanding that. He was hoping it was Xiaotian, but if it wasn't... "Then," he glanced at Peng, "I appreciate the help."

Peng gave a little smirk, letting Wukong fly a bit ahead of them. With the King no longer looking at them, Peng scowled.

Yes, it was true this was to check the status of the staff, but there was also another reason they ventured this way after Wukong. The simian would always be their brother, but Peng seldom let anyone into their life. Most weren't worth sharing the same air as them.

their nephew however, well, that little gremlin was their's. Their nephew.

And they would be damned if they continued to let Wukong handle this situation alone as he deemed fit when he had already messed up. It still made Peng's blood boil to know Wukong and Macaque has kept all of this from them! Xiaotian's health, both mentally and physically, had drastically declined, and Wukong dared to keep that information to himself. Only revealing it when this got too bad to ignore, like Xiaotian running away.

Had they known they would have come to the mountain themself to steal their nephew away and return him to Azure side. Azure, Yellow Tusk and themself would be the best in helping the child. The boy was nothing but smiles when he was with them, after all. Plus, their fighting styles were similar. They were best suited for teaching the child. Xiaotian never showed any inclination to learn, less it was from him.

Peng's eyes narrowed as they followed Wukong's path. They knew their brother loved Xiaotian dearly, but his methods were clearly failing the boy. He was too soft. Xiaotian has never been some porcelain doll meant to sit on the a shelf. He was a wild spirit, just like Wukong himself.

How was being locked in a mountain any different then being chained inside of one...

If they found Xiaotian alive, Peng vowed to take a more active role in their nephew's training and upbringing. The boy revered his avian uncle, hanging on their every word- and Peng wasn't going to let that mean nothing.

Clearing their throat, they called up to Wukong, "Exactly what is your plan going forward with this?"

"What?" Wukong glanced over his shoulder at Peng's question, brow furrowed. "My plan? I'm going to find my son and bring him home, of course." His grip tightened on his knee as he scanned the clouds around them.

Peng flapped their wings harder to catch up, flying alongside Wukong. They gave a deadpan look, "Ah yes, what a brilliant plant that would be." Peng rolled their eyes, casually flying back side by side to Wukong, lounging a bit on their back. "From where I see it, we have two likely scenarios, Brother; We get to the location and we find Xiaotian is there. Or, perhaps traces of him since I doubt the boy would linger too long." they held up one finger, "Or we get there and it is not Xiaotian that removed the staff, but some third party." they held up their second finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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