Golden Eyes

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A tea cup.

It rested on a stone altar, a solitary figure against the darkness. Made of obsidian, it's surface gleamed with an otherworldly sheen. Its golden handle beckoning to be touched. But within the vessel, a black liquid stirred. It seemed to writhe and pulse, as if possessed by some malevolent force.

MK stood before it, eyes wide and feeling his breath catching in his throat. He felt fear, yet couldn't comprehend why. His vision seemed tilted, blurred as he reached for the tea cup, only to have someone else beat him to it.

A second hand snatched the cup just seconds before he could. He tried to argue this action, the cup disappearing into the darkness before he could stop it.

His own voice sounded like a quiet echo, "No! Don't!'"

And then terror.

MK turned, finding himself alone. The Tea cup was empty, the room in silence. He felt he was being torn in two.

You lost him



"NO!" He sat up as he screamed himself awake.

The echoes of his scream reverberated through the room, mingling with the fading tendrils of the nightmare that had gripped him so tightly. MK's heart raced in his chest as he tried to steady his breathing, the sensation of being torn in two still lingering in his mind. The cold sweat that covered his body made him shiver, and he struggled to push away the remnants of the dream that seemed to claw at his consciousness.

As he sat there, trying to ground himself in reality, a faint whisper brushed against his ear.

"MK?" Then, a hand touched his shoulder. All at once, everything was okay. The sea of turmoil faded, replaced with auburn eyes and soft fur. Xiaotian, having been awoken by the scream, was sitting up beside him in the dim morning light of the setting sun. His gaze was steady, offering a small smile when MK looked at him. "Bad dream?" he asked.

MK's tension faded as he leaned into the embrace, feeling his eyes begin to droop. He turned to hug the monkey, who eagerly embraced him in return. "Yeah," he whispered to his other half. "At least... I think it was? It was weird."

Xiaotian patted MK's back, his touch grounding and comforting. "Nothing but a dream," he reassured him in a soothing voice. The monkey's warm presence enveloped MK like a shield against the remnants of fear still lingering in his mind.

MK clung to Xiaotian, grateful for the familiar comfort the monkey offered. As the last tendrils of the nightmare dissipated, he felt his heartbeat gradually returning to its normal rhythm. Drawing strength from their bond, MK finally pulled away and met Xiaotian's gaze with a grateful smile.

"Thank you," MK said softly.

They sat there staring into the eyes of the other, a soft golden light began to filter through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. It blinded the two for a moment, who squinted their eyes to adjust.

It was a new day. A reminder that what had happened the night before was real- they were together. They were here.

Xiaotian was already grinning ear to ear, swaying in small circles as he sat on the ground, "Morning, MK~" he gushed.

"Morning," MK says back. He watched the monkey flip back against the mattress that lay to make their pillow fort. Somersaulting into the center of the room, clearly in a good moon, he chirped.

"What you wanna do today??" he asked eagerly, a wag to his tail. What couldn't they do?? "You got a favorite food place? What do you do for fun around here?" Xiaotian asked, turning to pace the room. He was rifling through MK's stuff the moment he got close. "Ooh nice. Oo-" he threw open the human's closet, diving in. "Can I borrow some clothes??" he was already grabbing some.

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