Bestest Friend

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(watt pad kept cutting off chunks or cuttng this entire thing in half- so let's try this again) 

Qi Xiaotian had been his friend for as long as Red Son could recall. Xiaoxiao, the son of his Mother's dearest friend and ally. It was no surprised that they could grow up together.

In truth, Red Son found the young boy to be intolerable. Always doing the opposite of what he wanted, taking what wasn't his, and worst of all, always insisting Red Son bare witness to his foolish acts. Despite their contrasting personalities, Red Son and Qi Xiaotian were always together, much to Red Son's dismay.

Xiaotian and his family frequently made trips to the Demon Bull manor, or the Bull Family would visit their home nestled in the verdant Mountains of the Monkey's Domain. It seemed like there was never a day when they didn't see each other in their youth. That changed as they got older, but there were many a days Xiaotian was glued to Red Son's side.

Xiaotian was 5 and Red Son 7 when the Bull Prince completed his first machine. He had built plenty of little toys and trinkets before then, but never something of this scale. A miniature vehicle, designed to fit his size and serve as entertainment for him to drive around his fiery realm.

As a young boy, having something fast and in his own control was exhilarating. His parents had approved it, eager to see just what their son could create if given full range to do so.

"Can I drive it too?" Xiaotian's eyes widened as he leaned in, trying to get a better view of the engine beneath Red Son's skilled hands. The delicate pieces of metal and wires were like a puzzle, neatly fitting together in the child-sized race car.

With a dismissive snort, Red Son rolled his eyes and gently nudged the simian off of him, "No."

Xiaotian was unfazed by the rejection, "Can I sit in the passenger seat?"

"No," Red Son said again.

"Can I call it a name, at least?" Xiaotian kept on, looking up at Red Son with wide, imploring eyes.

With a heavy exhale, Red Son mumbled under his breath, "What would that even be? I doubt you could come up with a name that could truly capture it's essence." The younger boy would probably choose something silly like "Super car".

Xiaotian shrugged, "I dunno, I'd have to think about it?? Maybe something like 'Sparkly Red' or 'Super car'?" Xiaotian asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

As Red Son expected, "No."

"What about Flame Racer??" the other prompted again.

"N-..." Red Son didn't think that one was bad, but still. "No," Red Son said firmly, shaking his head. He couldn't let Xiaoxiao have any part in this creation. It was his masterpiece, his pride and joy, and he didn't want it tainted by the young monkey's meddling.

Ignoring Qi Xiaotian's disappointed expression, Red Son returned to work, trying to focus on the final adjustments to his creation. However, Qi Xiaotian was not one to back down easily. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he darted around to the other side of the race car, peering through it's windows with glee. Nearly bouncing off the walls, Red Son could ignore him for the most part, until the simian got grabby.

"Don't steal that," Red Son growled when Xiaotian lifted up one of his wrenches with both hands, the sparkle of the metal appealing.

"Shiny~" he cooed.

"Exactly, it's new. So don't. Take. It." he warned.

Xiaotian flinched, pouting, "Fine," he put it back. Peeking at Red Son from between the car windows on the other side of the car, "When you gonna drive it?" he squished his face to the glass.

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