Lost For the Final Time

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The history museum had been loads of fun when MK visited it the next day. He always felt he learned the most at places like this. Everything was so interactive and exciting!

There were fun things to do and amazing things to learn. He would spend all week here if he could. Most of his passion for history came from his Angel. During their times together, Nezha often retold countless stories from the past. He was so knowledgeable when it came to different events- almost like he experienced them firsthand. He would regale MK with history and its effects on the world, all with a sparkle in his eyes.

"That weapon stems from the Han Dynasty." MK put his arm out in a flourish, proud to know this information without having to look. He delved into details on the weapon in question, noting anything and everything he could remember that Nezha had told him.

While none of the children seemed all that interested, all wanting to see something more interesting, MK managed to catch the eye of one of the curators.

They marveled at MK's knowledge. The boy couldn't do math like 5x5 but knew his ancient history fairly well.

"Is this a passion of yours?" The curator inquired curiously.

MK gave a little shrug. "Not really. My An- I mean, someone I know always talks about it." He twiddled his thumbs, pleased he impressed at least someone today. The curator offered a kind smile.

"We'll tell them to come work for our museum~"

MK had that thought in his head all day; Nezha working at the museum where MK could easily visit him all the time. Half distracted, he ran after the rest of the class. They went through an assortment of different exhibits, ranging from many different time periods and events.

Of course, it wasn't until they got to one section in particular that MK was struggling to keep his cool. Everything mystic monkey-related lay before him~!

He was pushing to the front of the line in glee, eagerly approaching the first display to read every nook and cranny about it. Most kids read perhaps the first sentence or two but not him. No, he read every inch.

The poor curators in the area were bombarded with questions and inquiries on whatever MK was curious about. He questioned the legitimacy of each record, demanding proof of how factually accurate they might be. Comparing and contrasting information to make sure he had every account properly in his mind.

"So Monkey King-" MK clipped the tip of his pen, holding up a notepad. Similar to an interview, or an interrogation, he had cornered one of the curators. They stared at him nervously, shocked at his serious gaze. "Did he or did he not actually seal the Demon Bull King below a mountain??"

"Oh well it's- heavy speculation." The curator says, flinching at how roughly MK scribbled every single one of her words. "There are many different records and reports. While some insist he did, many more insist that DBK and Monkey King were akin to brothers. Some believe he sealed DBK using his staff to hold down his mountain, but others account seeing Monkey King lowering his staff for other reasons."

"So Monkey King doesn't have his staff right now?!" MK gasped, voice loud and eyes brimming with curiosity.

"D-d-debatable again." She squeaked.

"Why would he let it go? Where is it right now?? ...For scientific purposes?" He gave a shifty look- he was definitely not going to track down the staff later~

"Um.... Well...." The curator looked to her coworkers for help. Having endured MK's questions for years on every trip he took there, they were quick to look away. Traitors! "L-Listen, little boy. The history of Celestial beings and demons alike is hard to keep record of. They live for countless decades. The only true way to fully keep track would be to ask the person directly." She gave a little smile. "You'd have to go to the celestial realm itself."

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