Scars and Missing Pieces

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Qi Xiaotian's breath is ragged even to his own ears. Something in him had tightened, clogging his mind from coherent thoughts. He tried to evaluate and adjust- to do what his Baba had taught him for years: utilizing every possibility. Every route.

His mind comes up with nothing in the face of this stranger. It's the numbing cold of his eyes, perhaps. It floors Xiaotian, shaking him in a way he doesn't understand. He had felt fear before, but this was on another level.

"What a gathering you have for yourself," the man all but cooed, swaying on his heels. "I do so enjoy a good party. I must have missed my invitation in the mail. How old are you now? 10, is it?" Something flashes behind his blue eyes. Something darker, empty, and cruel. "Coming of age is a great honor. With it, there are new responsibilities, new opportunities ." he holds out his hand, beckoning the children closer, "Would you like to accept the birthday gift I brought you?"

The frigid air of the room had the two children's breath foggy in front of their faces. Thankfully from their running, Red Son's body had heated up, but standing still now, it was clear the effects were taking their toll. It showed in how Red Son hunched over, clutching his chest. He was wheezing, the air pushing and entering his lungs in sharp gasps.

The cold truly being his mortal weakness.

He held his friend's shoulder to steady him, knowing they had to escape. Xiaotian glared at the stranger that stood before them. He was afraid, but it wasn't something he couldn't handle. He could deal with this. His parents had always found their way to him before anything horrible happened. Surely this would be the same. "I don't want your gift." he shakes his head.

The man continued to walk in slow steps toward the two. Xiaotian felt something similar to bile in the back of his throat. He made sure not to look up and give away the trap. Step right into it...!

As the man stepped forward, the golden fist came crashing down again.

The man caught it with a single hand.

Holding it over his head, he looked up at the hand with a bored tilt of his head. "Is that all?" with a flick, the metal of the hand contorted, curling into itself. Peeling apart, it shot upward, slamming back against the ceiling with enough force to make the two children flinch.

Scrambling back, Xiaotian grit his teeth- the pure strength of the man making his eyes widen. This wasn't good. They were in danger... serious danger.

Red Son stepped before him, holding his arm out to keep Xiaotian behind him. Tiny sparks danced across his fingers but could not produce a proper flame. If this man had come for Xiaotian, he couldn't allow him any closer. He had to do something! He thought he could. That with enough courage, he could buy them some time.

The stranger chuckled, "How cute." he jeered. "I like your little tricks. You're a smart boy." he looked at Xiaotian as he said this. "Far more clever than that idiotic Father you have." there was a delight in his eyes. "You take more after Liu'er in that regard. Such a wonderful champion he was..." his voice dropped cold, " For a time, anyway."

Xiaotian needed clarification, not understanding what that meant. Did this man know his Baba somehow? He was half tempted to ask but thought better of it.

"Leave at once!" Red Son growled. "Once my Father gets a hold of you-" The child jumped when the man, or thing, who was a good few feet away, was suddenly inches from his face. "!!" Deadly sharp fingers gripped Red Son's face and quickly lifted the Bull Prince.

" I wasn't talking to you." The man says with a frown, rather annoyed this red-headed brat was here in the first place. Red Son choked, eyes widening in terror. The man was disgusted as he peered at the pest in his clutches. As weak as a candle- and just as quickly snuffed out. The very notion he had to speak with this little weakling repulsed the man. "I'm afraid your Father is rather busy right now." he enjoyed how Red Son kicked his legs feebly, clawing at his hands to be released. He was gasping for air, gargled noises coming from his throat. "Such a pathetic little Prince."

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