Dreams or Reality?

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MK was 15 when he first started having vivid dreams. He would wake up in the middle of the night, feeling like he had just lived out an alternate reality: smells, sounds, and textures were so real that they left a tangible feeling upon waking. He would wake up feeling like the dream had been a memory rather than a mere vision of his mind's eye.

Sometimes he found himself surrounded by strangers, standing in places that felt completely unfamiliar. Once he opened his eyes to a bustling city adorned with bright paper lanterns, the next time it was an endless sea of white clouds so close that he could reach out and touch them. He had even once woken up standing in the ruins of a golden palace. He couldn't make sense of what he was seeing, but it was always something different.

"Surreal dreams?" On an unseasonably warm Tuesday, Nezha waited for him on the roof of the Noodle Shop. The neon signs buzzed as they stood side by side, bathed in the glow of the lights. Both of MK's parents were early birds when it came to when they went to bed, so it was easy to venture out without it being too late.

"Yeah." MK's eyes narrowed as he observed Nezha. He stood close, taking note of the details of each move, from the footwork to the arm forms. As Nezha struck the air with gentle ferocity, MK followed suit in a low stance, getting into position and releasing one attack after another. He focused intently on his breathing, feeling it steady as he attempted to stay centered and imitate each movement that Nezha made. With a whispered sound, they struck the air together.

Nezha had been teaching him many new things since he turned 14—the next step in his defensive training. Striking the air quietly, both minding the noise they made, they spoke in hushed whispers.

"The dreams just feel so real," he tells Nezha, "Like Deja Vu that hasn't happened?" He didn't know how to explain it.

Nezha's feet glided lightly across the ground, his wheels almost silent as he drifted across the floor. MK was transfixed by the ease with which he navigated the space. MK stood rapt, examining Nezha's technique while attempting to mimic it. Nezha studied his form for a moment before gently guiding MK into an improved stance, straightening his back so there was no torque when he struck.

"Dreams are quite the mystery," Nezha smiles, forcing MK's chin to look ahead rather than at his feet, "Some hold deeper meaning, and some don't. Perhaps your dreams are pulling from your memories or even your own mental state." He stood before MK, watching his strikes. "Sometimes dreams even try to tell you something you don't realize when awake."

"Like what?" MK asked, a droplet of sweat sliding down the sides of his face.

"Hard to say unless I see the dream myself." Nezha shrugs, tapping his chin in contemplation, "It's up to you to determine what they truly mean." Nezha motioned for MK with his staff, and the child shifted his feet into a ready stance. Nezha squared up to him, both of their bodies steady in a stand-off as if waiting for the other to make the first move. In one swift motion, Nezha raised his arm high above his head. MK braced himself, tightening the muscles in his arm as Nezha swung downwards like an axe. 


Nezha lunged forward with a lightning-fast second strike, his smirk widening when MK deftly swatted Nezha's wrist away from his body."Good." He praised MK.

MK tensed his body as Nezha's attack drew closer, knowing that his Angel was waiting for an opening. With a grunt, he used the strength of both arms to deflect Nezha's strike and create enough distance between them. He was able to push back just a few inches, but it was enough for him to feel a sense of relief.

"Excellent." His Angel smiles, checking MK's arms a moment later in case they bruise. His mind buzzed with pride, enjoying seeing the progress MK was making. He was good- exceptionally so! He was catching on so fast that Nezha wouldn't know what else to teach him at the end of these next few years. Of course, at this point, he purposely tried not to put too much force into his attack and cause bodily harm. "You are improving."

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