A Head Start

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It was late when Nezha received his summoning to the Jade Palace. Posted upon his watch of the Samadhi fire's scroll, the messenger had approached with the piece of parchment rolled neatly with a golden string.

Wearing a somber expression, he waved off the messenger and resumed his position. The Emperor had failed to assign a substitute for Nezha's responsibilities, leaving him with the task of finding a replacement himself.

As Nezha stood before the mystical barrier of the ancient scroll, a tingling sensation crept up his spine, hinting at a powerful presence lingering just above. Unfazed by the intensity, Nezha's eyes lifted, "Muzha," He spoke, skillfully twirling his staff and securing it against his back. "What are you doing here?"

With a daring leap from the roof, he landed before Nezha, gracefully bowing and flashing a smile. Only able to hold it for so long, he grew more sheepish, "Same reason I am always here," he said. "To cover for you. My Master overheard the Emperor's intent to summon you and sent me ahead of schedule," Muzha's raven locks had been meticulously woven into a graceful braid, cascading down his shoulder, undoubtedly crafted by the hands of Guanyin herself.

The two paused for a moment, their gazes turned away when they felt awkward. What was one supposed to say to family you never really interacted with anymore...?

Muzha was Nezha's elder brother, after all. One of the three Sons to Li Jing. Despite the close relation, their actual interactions were scarce and far between- leaving the two on a rather awkward standing.

Nezha nervously twirls the vibrant red fabric draped across his shoulders, unsure of what to do with it, "I truly can't thank Lady Guanyin or you enough," he says softly. For the last 5 years, they had been Nezha's only aid.

Somehow or another, Guanyin had discovered his ruse against the Jade Emperor. She knew that Nezha had never killed the offspring of Sun Wukong like he was directed to. While she wouldn't outright engage in the matter, she would send her disciple, Muzha, to assist.

When MK was 12, Nezha had been caught away from his post. While he managed to avoid the reason why he wasn't guarding the Samadhi scroll, he had still been punished for not keeping up with his duties.

Subconsciously, he tugged at the circlet that surrounded his neck. One might think it was just a piece of jewelry he didn't seem to want to part with. Not even Wukong truly knew what it was despite having one similar upon his forehead.

Wukong inquired once, but Nezha chose to withhold the truth in order to spare his worries. He didn't mind its presence- because the celestial court never used it on him before. It was there only to ensure the Lotus Prince did his tasks and never went rampant like he would as a child. Sometimes, he even forgot its burning touch. He was trusted- he was valued as a member of the court. In truth, if he asked, they would remove the circlet.

In fear of his own instability, he never asked. A quiet reminder of the life he had some lived, and the insurance to keep what he currently had.

In the last 8 years alone, the Celestial court had used it three times on him for not being at his post.

The budding bruises on his neck were hard to hide from MK's watchful eye.

5 years ago, after another punishment, Guanyin had approached Nezha when no one else was in sight. They spoke for a long time.

She admitted to knowing his past and his actions. She even showed a small image of MK to prove her words were true.

"How-!" Nezha's hand trembled as he reached for his staff, panic evident in his voice. In response, she extended her hand reassuringly, casting him a tender gaze that held both comfort and solace.

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