Chapter 01 - An Unfriendly Confrontation

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Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

You flounce across the glossy marble tiles of the 25th floor of the central office of Falcon Estate. The usually lively atmosphere of the floor was now completely hushed, almost as if everyone had held their breath as you walk towards a certain room at the far end of the floor.

"I need to see the CEO. Now." You say to the assistant sitting on the counter, as calm as you could right now through your clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry miss, but-", the assistant began to reply in a slightly annoyed tone but suddenly stops, her eyes wide and muscles tensed as she looks up to meet your eyes behind your large square, black rimmed glasses.

The afternoon sun pouring through the tall windows illuminated your dark auburn hair like it was some magical flame tied up in a semi-messy high ponytail.

You may be wearing a basic office wear, white dress shirt and waist-high black dress pants with black stilettos, and could have been easily mistaken for another employee in the company at first glance, but the chilly aura around you and the way you carried yourself high with confidence were enough to tell the people present you weren't just another employee.

But right now, all that didn't really matter because just a small glance of your face was enough for the assistant across the desk to instantly recognize who you were, and make her freeze at her spot for brief moment before she immediately picks up the telephone next to her.

"Y- yes, just a minute, l- let me inform him." She replies in a voice that comes out squeakier than intended and starts punching a string of numbers on the keypad clumsily with her fingers.

You patiently wait as the telephone rang loudly enough for you to hear too.

It rang.

And rang some more.

Your patience was running thin and maybe it was evident on your face, which makes the assistant exhale nervously as she dials the number again, which rang.

And rang.

And rang.

Before someone finally picks it up from the other end. You couldn't clearly understand what the other person was saying as the assistant nervously explains the situation to the person on the other end.

"S- sir, someone wants to see you urgently."

"It c- can't be arranged for some other time-"

"S- sir... It's CEO Park y/n from Black Pearl Marketing Group..."

"Y- yes... Herself. In p- person."

"I understand."

"Yes, sure."

She finally puts the receiver down and clears her throat before turning to speak to you. "Miss Park, please, this way." She gestures towards the door and leads you to it. She knocks at it a couple times, and after hearing the person inside say "come in", she pushes open the door for you and you give her a nod in gratitude before walking inside.

The door closes behind you as you step in, leaving you and the person sitting on a luxurious grey leather office chair at the far end of the room, behind a huge teakwood table. The ceiling to floor windows behind the office table provided a majestic view of Seoul city. The office was decorated so lavishly, it certainly qualified to be called a small but extravagant suite.

The person sitting on the chair closes the files placed in front of him, pushing them to a side before he leans back on the chair, placing his left forearm behind his head and giving you a half-assed salute with his other hand.

He wore a silk grey tuxedo. The coat, however, was hanging at the back of his chair. He seemed to have loosened up his tie while the white shirt beneath had its top two buttons opened up. His hair was neatly cut and combed but it appeared that he had run his fingers through it multiple times, resulting in this weirdly mesmerizing sight in front of you.

What a mess...

You think to yourself disdainfully at the view in front of you.

"Park y/n, the current CEO of Black Pearl Marketing Group. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He speaks up first, causing you to remember the reason for your uninvited arrival as you tread across the room and stand in front of him, the wide table separating you both.

You furiously toss a couple files that you were holding, in front of him on the table. "What the hell is this, Mr. Choi?" You demand through clenched teeth.

Yeonjun doesn't even flinch and lazily watches you with an amused expression. "What is what?" he drawls as he tilted his head, looking at the files with little to no interest.

"Why the hell did you buy these stocks last minute when you had shown no interest in them before and knew that I was going to sign off the deal in a few hours?" You inquire him, the anger within you seething uncontrollably.

"Ah~ That." He smiles lazily in your direction, still reclined on his chair as if he weren't a CEO of a multimillion company but rather a naïve teenage boy playing pretend in his father's office. "I changed my mind." He shrugs innocently.

"Changed your mind, my ass." You snap back, not believing his blatant lie.

"You've got quite the sharp tongue for a CEO, no?" He chuckles softly at you.

"Only for assholes like you."

"Then, I must say, it's quite an honor~" He chuckles again after seeing your expression distort in anger and disgust.

"Don't change the topic." You grit your teeth in frustration. "I must remind you, this isn't the first time you've done it. It's the third..." You pause for a moment, letting out a scornful laugh before continuing. "You know what they say. Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time's a pattern."

Yeonjun finally sits up straight and leans forward over the table, clasping his hands together while resting his face on top of his hands, narrowing his eyes a little. "You know, Miss y/n, instead of coming all the way to Falcon Estate to complain about me buying the stocks first, why don't you work harder to keep your clients more inclined to your deals?"

You suck in a sharp breath of cold air to control yourself from committing a felony at this very second.

"I would... If I knew a sly fox is eyeing my every move even after expressing his disinterest in the stocks, before swooping in to buy them last second before the deal is closed." You hiss at him, taking in a deep breath to calm yourself down.

The corner of his lips turn up as your statement as he leans back again. "Well then, you better start thinking of ways to outsmart this fox. Hm?"

You huff in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest. "Just you wait."

"Sure. I'll wait." He smiles smugly at you and then gestures towards the seat beside you. "Please, sit. Would you like some tea? Coffee? Or perhaps some other drink of your choice?" He asks courteously, unable to hide the satisfaction after seeing you get so worked up.

You let out an exasperated sigh. "Most definitely not." You deny him without batting an eyelid before turning on your heels and walking away. The click clack sounds of your heels lowering until it fainted in his office.

His gaze lingers a while longer on the door before shaking his head and chuckling softly, amused at today's sudden turn of events.

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