Chapter 24 - Sneaky Little Fox

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Your body was starting to tremble. You tried taking in deep breaths to stop anything worse from happening but you couldn't push enough air inside your lungs. Slowly, and quietly, the dreaded foreboding of a panic attack started creeping up behind you, quietly wrapping its claws around your neck, holding you in place while it pulled apart your flesh to rip out your rapidly beating heart.

You spring up from the bed, wanting to run away from this terrible feeling, but it felt as if the floor was trembling alongside you.

You could hear the raucous beeps of devices surrounding you, but they all sounded like they were so far away, as if in another dimension.

What is happening to me...

Tears start streaming down your face without warning, making you feel so lost... So helpless...

"y/n!" You hear Yeonjun's voice break through the madness that was engulfing you. The chaotic beeping also stops a second after, allowing you to calm down to some degree.

What have I done...

A silent sob of despair escapes you and echoes through the stillness in the room.

"y/n..." You hear his voice. Much closer. Much softer.

You make an attempt to move, to look around and steady yourself, but a strange warmth envelops you. Your face presses against something firm, yet so soft. A soft minty fragrance enters your nostrils that soothes your nerves. The steady heartbeats you feel divert your attention away from the turmoil inside your head.

That's when you realize that Yeonjun has his arms wrapped around you, holding you still while he gave the back of your head gentle pats. "I'm here..." He whispers.

You immediately start trying to break free from the warmth of his embrace but his hold around you only tightens. "Please, y/n. Let me hold you a moment longer." His calm voice forces you to stop struggling and accept the solace he gave you.

You both stand like this, for who knows how long, until your breathing and heartbeats had calmed down, that he finally releases you from his arms. The loss of warmth turns the air around you much colder than before, making you shudder. Yeonjun helps you back onto the bed and wraps you in a bundle of blankets before taking a seat at the other end.

"You need to tell me what happened. Both the incidents; when you saved mom and when you were attacked." His demands in all seriousness, his tone still gentle.

You hesitate for a bit, but eventually decide to narrate your entire day. Starting from when you stepped foot out of your company's building and when you woke up in this room. All this while your eyes burning from the pressure of unshed tears.

When you've finished speaking, you look up to see Yeonjun deep in thought, his dark brows bunched together in a frown. His foot tapping the tiled floor at a constant pace.

"Hm..." He hums. "I may have a temporary plan."

You tilt your head, surprised at how he could have thought of something so quickly. "And...? What might that be?"

Yeonjun stands up, walks over to the side table beside the bed, on which different kinds of medications were placed, and picks up a bottle of some syrup, unscrews the cap with one hand while the other reaches for a spoon. He pours the orange liquid from the bottle onto the spoon and brings it closer to your lips.

You look at the spoon like it's some foreign object you've never seen before.

"What? Want me to say: Ah! Open wide~ The train is coming! Choo~ Choo~" He subtly rolls his eyes, grinning.

"You're ridiculous..." You grumble before opening your mouth to take the medicine.

He shakes his head with a soft suppressed laugh.

You turn your head away in a huff. "Stop dragging the topic at hand. What plan did you say you have?"

"Well... How about this? You can work under my company to let everyone know that you've gained my favor, so no one will dare to trample on you, while you can secretly work on how to deal with this situation, safe from everything." He pauses, a tiny smirk forming across his face, indicating trouble. "And help me out while you're at it. Like you know... Be my assistant."

Your head snaps back in his direction. "Be your assistant? This is absurd! Couldn't you be any more selfish? I refuse!"

He puts the cap back on the bottle, putting it away. "Oh, come on, y/n. I'm trying to help you out. It'll be a win-win for the both of us. Don't you think so?"

You sigh in frustration. "Why are you so insistent about helping me out in the first place? When something's too good to be true, that's because it is, so you better turn around and run away as fast as you can. There's definitely more to this plan."

Yeonjun sits back on the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. He runs his fingers through his ridiculously soft hair before speaking. "Well, consider it returning back a favor, if you want. You saved mom's life so I help you in return."

You fold your arms in front of you. "I saved your mom's life, and you saved mine. That's it. Favor returned."

Yeonjun chuckles, shaking his head in a no. "No, no, sweetheart. That's where you're wrong. You saved my mom's life, so consider me helping you out because of her. I saved your life, so now you got to help me and be my assistant. Fair and square."

"Darn you..." You groan. "You're a sneaky little fox, aren't you?"

He beams like you just gave him a compliment. "If that's what you like to think, then sure."


The silvery streaks of the moonlight sneak in through the cracks in the curtains, casting a soft glow throughout the room.

You stare mindlessly at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Soyul had come late in the evening to take out all the machines from the room since your condition had stabilized by a lot. She helped you wash up and change into a clean pair of clothes.

You raise your left hand in front of your eyes and gaze at the tattoo on the inner wrist. A beautifully shaded crescent moon adorned with dull pink cherry blossoms that were sprawling across it. A simple yet meaningful work of art permanently imprinted on your body.

A soft sigh escapes your lips, the tattoo that you were used to covering with a thick layer of concealer and color correctors, was now visible in plain sight, bringing back the bittersweet memories of your three years in the military

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A soft sigh escapes your lips, the tattoo that you were used to covering with a thick layer of concealer and color correctors, was now visible in plain sight, bringing back the bittersweet memories of your three years in the military.

A crescent moon because it was the only thing you looked forward to during your time in the military, the changing phases of the moon being the only visible sign to show that time was not frozen in place, since within the confines of the military grounds, the evergreen trees made it seem like time does not move, which suffocated you beyond words.

And cherry blossoms because Minho loved them so much; partially because it was his birth flower, and also because the entire family of five would take a couple days off in early April to enjoy the cherry blossom festivities together...

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