Chapter 12 - Intoxicated

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Your entire body goes stiff as you narrow your gaze at him. You don't bother replying. It takes every ounce of your self-control to not break his nose this very second.

Seeing your lack of "kindness" towards him, he only grins smugly, which increases your resentment up another notch. "Just relax and enjoy the night, y/n!" He spits pretentiously. "Surely you can put your pettiness on hold for one night?"

I'm being petty?! This is called being petty?!

You clench and unclench your fists to stop yourself from doing something stupid for the nth time today.

"If my pettiness wasn't on hold tonight, I would've familiarized my fist with your face already." You hiss at him with a sweet smile that hurt your cheeks.

His gaze darkens in response to your words, making him frown. And then he does the most enraging thing you could have ever imagined him doing. His eyes that were locked onto yours in a glaring contest start to move.


And down.

And further down.

Taking his sweet time as he checked you out from head to toe just to spite you, knowing how much you hated it. The more the seconds passed, the more self-conscious you started to feel about yourself, making the hair on your body jolt up straight. It almost felt like he could even see through your clothes and it made you want to run away and curl yourself into fetal position.

But there is no way in hell, you were going to reveal any kind of weakness in front of someone like Liam, no matter how much it gnawed at you.

His eyes finally reach back to yours and he opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by the bartender, who has brought you your drink.

"Here is the Tequila Sunrise you ordered!" She slides the drink over to you and forces a smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes. On the contrary, her eyes showed distress which puzzled you. Feeling your skeptical gaze, she dials up her smile one more step.

You push a couple notes in front, which she takes with somewhat shaky hands that only adds to your concerns.

"As I was saying-" Liam tries to continue where he left off but you raise your hand in front of him, not wanting to trouble yourself by looking in his general direction.

"I don't give a flying fuck about what you were saying. Keep it to yourself." You wave your hand, dismissing him completely.

Feeling overwhelmed with the events of tonight, you down half of the contents of the tumbler in one go.

You place the crystal tumbler down with a thud. From the corner of your eyes, you see Liam smiling at you like the devil he is. His gaze darting around your body occasionally to which you make sure to pretend that you're unbothered by his presence a couple feet to your left.

Liam leans in a little towards you and attempts to whisper but only ends up speaking loudly than intended – probably on purpose – his breath reeking of smoke and liquor that almost made you gag.

"I heard that the COO of Equinox has taken a keen interest in you, huh?"

You freeze at the spot hearing those words, wanting to do nothing else but take out your pistol and shoot him in the center of his forehead, right there and then.

The way he phrased that sentence... It made you want to throw up.

Taking your silence for whatever he deemed fit in that deranged head of his, he continues on. "See, that's why you are not fit to be the CEO. Who would've thought you'd stoop so low and try to seduce the COO of Equinox to secure your partnership with them."

You snap your head in his direction; the rage meter in your brain entering the danger zone. "Stop spewing bullshit." You snarl at him, unable to control your breathing into a steady pace.

Liam clicks his tongue in disapproval, shaking his head in mockery. "Tsk- That's the only way you women can think of to reach your goals. I mean- Just look at you. It's so obvious what you're trying to do here."

Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.

Your brain chants over and over again. Your inner voice mixing with itself and turning into something entirely sinister that you couldn't recognize. Red spots cover your entire vision as your brain spins like a ballerina pirouetting out of control.

You almost go on to pull out your pistol but you think better of it and instead redirect your hand to grab onto the crystal tumbler and finish the remaining drink in one big sip – almost choking on it.

The contents of your tumbler seem to have travelled straight to your brain instead of your stomach.

You slam the tumbler back onto the counter and double over, holding onto the counter for support as you pant for air. It's like someone was squeezing your lungs to prohibit any air from entering inside. Sweat beads form across your hairline and roll down.

Something is not right.

You lift your head up to see Liam looking down at you with so much disgust, you would think he's looking at a baby's wet diaper.

"What did you put in the drink?" You ask in between your gasps for breath.

"Nothing that would kill you." He shrugs.

Where there was one Liam, now there were two more beside him and you couldn't tell which was the real one.

"I'll personally make sure you die a miserable death..." You give him one last warning before your head slams onto the bar counter, sending a jolt of excruciating pain before your senses turned off.

Blackness covers your eyes and you feel like you are floating away in space where there is no force to pull you back to the ground. But still, in between this blend of chaos and serenity you were in, you could faintly hear what was happening in your surroundings.

You could somewhat hear the grumbling of Liam saying something along the lines of you being a pain in the ass but a fun toy nonetheless; and then you feel the iron tight grip on your elbows that yanks you off your seat.

You have absolutely no idea how your legs have the strength to carry your weight. You're not even sure if you have legs anymore since you can't feel them. Your entire body is numb.

And as if your legs hear your thoughts, they give out the second you put your entire weight on them; and fall into the arms of none other than Liam Archer himself.

You could practically hear him grit his teeth and curse as he holds you with enough force to leave a bruise.

"S- Sir- Where are you taking her?" You hear a female voice ask. Must be the bartender that took your order; if you remember her voice correctly.

"Nothing that you should be too concerned with." Liam snaps at her. "But if you're so damn curious, I'd really like to introduce her to the COO of Equinox. He'd be quite happy to see her."

He then starts to drag you wherever the hell was wanted to take you but stops the very next second. "And if you open your mouth about tonight to anyone, I'll make your life a living hell." He warns someone – probably the waitress, again.

You feel your feet move again under the supervision of Liam, wobbling with each step. Judging by the distant chatter of the guests, it's safe to assume he's treading carefully among the shadows. Or maybe it was because of the intoxicated drink.

Who knows.

You both only make it so far before coming to a halt once more.

"What's the hurry, Mr. Archer? The night's still young~" A low euphonic voice makes its way to your ears amidst all the madness that you were surrounded with.


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