Chapter 16 - Only One Way to Find Out

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Liam's chin drops, shooting daggers at you with his eyes that were overflowing with hatred. He then sits up straight and adjusts his collars to regain composure. "We do have a meeting planned as well, thank you for your concern."

"Of course you do." You smile sweetly. "Anyway. Yuna! Bring the draft."

Yuna jumps into action and presents the brown paper file in front of you on the table, which you push forward towards Andrew. He looks at the file, and then over to you, giving his lips a quick lick. "Ms. y/n is as efficient as everyone claims."

y/n, calm down, you can't risk losing a huge boost to your company just because the COO of your dream company collaboration is a total freak.

Your phone rings, bringing you back to the conference room. You look at the caller ID and your expression softens by a smidge. You get up to pick the call somewhere else.

"I believe we're in the middle of an important meeting." Liam scoffs, trying to downplay you, which you had been used to since... Forever.

You heave a sigh. "This is more important. Now, if you shall excuse me. I'll be right back." And without waiting for anyone's response, you exit the room to pick up the call.

"Hey, Jungwonie~! How's my baby brother doing?" Your shoulders relax and you smile ear to ear speaking to your 17-year-old brother.

You hear his adorable soft laugh from the other end. "Hello, sis! I'm doing pretty good. I haven't called you in forever so I decided to today, well mostly because my graduation is approaching and I was hoping you could come, if you aren't busy, that is!"

"Oof- I'm hurt- You only called because you needed me for something and not because you missed me!" You sniff dramatically.

"Oh, come on sis!" He laughs. "Even you know very well how much I missed you! That is why I want you to come to my graduation. We'll finally meet up after so long!"

From the way his voice was all squeaky with excitement, you could almost see him jumping on his toes with anticipation for his big day.

"Of course I'll come. I wouldn't miss if for the world!"

"Yay! You're the best, sis~"

"I know." You giggle when he groans exaggeratedly.

"Anyway~ How's the company treating you?" He asks.

"Eh. Same old, same old." You sigh. "What about you? Have you decided a major yet? I remember you saying that you really wanted to major in journalism."

"Oh... Well. Uhm- About that..." The energy in his voice dies down, replaced by uncertainty. Sensing the change, you feel your heart hurt because you knew exactly what could have been the reason.

"Wonie... Did dad say something?" You ask softly.

Jungwon forces a little laugh to lighten the mood, which only ends up increasing your pain tenfold. He clears his throat before replying. "Dad's been becoming more and more insistent that I pursue my major in business so that I can take after you and help ease the burden from your shoulders." You hear him swallow through the line. "It- It's not that I don't want to! I just..."

"Wonie." You cut in firmly. "You don't even have to give me a reason. If you don't want to take over the company, then I'm never going to force you. If journalism is what you dream of doing, then I'll make sure that dream doesn't only remain a dream. Alright?"

"Sis..." His voice cracks, nearly exploding your fragile heart into smithereens.

"Don't worry about dad. I'll find a way to convince him otherwise. For now, keep your head high and celebrate your graduation, making sure to never let go of your dream. Got it?"

You wait for him to give a response, which never comes. Listening closely, you're able to make out faint sobs on the other end. "Wonie!? Are you crying?! Oh my god- Why are you crying?!" You exclaim as your heart jumps to your throat.

"I... I just love you so much, sis. Thank you for everything." He mumbles in a shaky voice.

"Anything for my baby brother, okay?"


"Darn, I need to go now. Take care of yourself. Bye, Wonie~"

"Bye, sis!"

You hurry over to the conference room and seat yourself. A furious Liam and an overly relaxed Andrew greet you. You don't bother with their attitudes and decide to wrap up the exhausting meeting.

"If there isn't anything else. We can conclude this unforeseen meeting." You give them a stiff grin. "If you have anything to say, you can contact my assistant and I shall now be taking my leave. The staff will escort you both out in a moment. Have a wonderful afternoon."

You exit the room without sparing another glance at the duo.

Heading towards the elevators, to speak to Yuna. "Alright. Yuna, what's next in my schedule?"

Yuna scans the clipboard in her arms before responding. "Oh- Uhm. So... The thing is that Falcon Estate has not yet paid their monthly sum for the business partnership contract of a Black Pearl subsidiary they signed six months ago. It's been thirteen days past the due date, so I've arranged a meeting with the board of directors in the evening."

You huff. "Are they playing some sick joke or they've actually forgotten? Either way, it's not going to do wonders for my temper."

"Only one way to find out." Yuna taps the clipboard before opening the elevator for you, and stepping in afterwards.

You decide to drive to Falcon Estate yourself. As Yuna seated herself in the passenger seat, you both discussed the points to make during the meeting.

"Oh, speaking of which. Did you do as I told you?" You ask Yuna suddenly.

"Ah, yes! Yes, I did!" Yuna's eyes widen as she remembers the task she had been assigned with last night. She whips out her phone and starts scrolling through it. Her nose still glued to the small screen, she starts speaking.

"I easily managed to get a list of all the attendees that were present in the gala, with their phone numbers and email IDs in front of their names. None of the identities seemed suspicious or shady on the surface, except for Liam Archer and Ian Archer, of course. So I decided to trace all the phone numbers and email IDs just to be sure."

You nod as she explained her findings.

You take a quick glance at the rear view mirror of your car and see a silver 80s retro car behind you.

These models are pretty classy. Maybe I should buy one too.

The silver car then slowly overtakes you, and you see two men on the front seats, wearing suits and sunglasses. The car travels in front of you for a while before it slowly starts to pick up pace, progressively increasing the distance between you.

"As I had expected, there was nothing worth noting in anyone's history, except guess who? None other than-"

"Wait, Yuna. Hold up!" You gasp.

"Is... Something wrong?" Yuna snaps her head up and finally looks away from her phone.

"That car that just overtook us... Its front number plate is different from the one on its back..."

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