Chapter 32 - Nightmare

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Your chest tightens with emotion. You barely remember anyone having said such words to try to comfort you, to let you know that your pain was their pain too, that they were willing to do anything to get rid of your misery. The gentleness of his action, heck, even the action in itself was something so new, so foreign, that it took a while for you to fully grasp the meaning behind it all, and it unwillingly takes you back in time to that one moonlit night, during your first few weeks in the military. The night where you felt just as helpless and broken as now, when someone pulled the locks of your hair behind your ear and held you close. The moonlight casting a pearly white outline around his figure while he hugged you tight, a gentle reminder that he was right next to you.

"y/n..." Yeonjun's soft voice pulls you back to the present, not having moved an inch. The stream of tears had stopped flowing and you could breathe a little better.

Downstairs, the door opens loudly and at least a couple dozens of hurried heavy footsteps enter the house and disperse across it. One pair of footsteps separate from the commotion and makes it way upstairs. "Sir! You're here! Are you alright?" Only then does Yeonjun reluctantly let go of your face and turns towards the source of the voice. He nods firmly. "Good to know, sir. We're all here. My team has started the detailed investigation. I'd request you to leave this place for now."

And with that, the man clad in an all-black uniform leaves you both to head downstairs and lead his squad.

Yeonjun turns back to you and holds your hands in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We should go now."

You wanted to refuse, cry, scream, protest, but all those thoughts died the second he grabbed your hand firmly in his. You weren't used to this at all. No one cared enough to waste so much of their time to persuade you to listen to them or give you any sort of comfort. It was just you and your demons. And now, with all this happening, you weren't sure how to act like you usually would. All you could do was quietly give in.

You follow Yeonjun as he led you to his car through the commotion in your house.


The instant the doors of the car close, the heavy footsteps, the commands and shouts by the members of the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) vanish like they were never there as the eerie silence envelops you like a blanket, except that it was cold instead of warm. Seconds pass by and you think you hear something from a distance. You divert all your attention to make out what the sounds were and where were they coming from.

Soon enough, those sounds start getting louder and louder until you realize what they were.

A sharp cry, followed by loud and painful whimpers.

"Pepper?!" Your body jerks up in response and you try to find the source of the sound but it stopped altogether in an instant. Tears well up in your eyes once more. "y/n..." Yeonjun looks at you, just as helpless as you were in this moment. You shake your head, and look down at your hands that were trembling on your lap.


Yeonjun opens the door to his room and leads you inside. "You don't have to give me your room again... I'll be fine in the guest room." You look around his perfectly arranged and clean bedroom. "It's isolated from the rest of the apartment in this quiet corner, where there won't be any disturbances. I thought you'd like that." He turns to you and replies, his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"Oh... Thank you..."

His lips curve up ever so slightly and for a moment you thought he'd say something like, oho, is the Park y/n thanking me? But he remains silent.

Huh... Since when was I so fond of him?

Ugh- I'm seriously not in the right state of mind right now...

"You have a lot on your mind, and it's been a long day. You should rest." Observing your silence, he finally speaks and begins to leave when something compels you to grab his arm and stop him, catching him by surprise. "Where're you going?"

Yeonjun pats your head reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'll be in the living room if you need me." You nod, reluctantly, and let go of his arm.


Tic. Tic. Tic.

The needles of the wall clock showed half past three in the morning and you were still wide awake, with not even an ounce of sleep. You were so damn exhausted, but you still failed to fall asleep. You wanted to sleep, but couldn't. It was so frustrating but you lacked even the energy to be mad about it. You were now fully convinced that the heavens hated your guts.

It was a pitch black night, where even the moon refused to shed its light on the city, kind of like reflecting your sorrow in a way. Or so you thought.

You close your eyes and take a couple deep breaths to calm yourself down, but how was one supposed to calm his mind when his heart would be racing. Racing like it's the end of the world, racing like it's trying to escape from something, racing like it wants to overclock itself to death.

Finally, everything goes quiet.

The clock ticks no more, your heart races no more and all you see is darkness. But instead, you hear something so familiar, something you've heard before...

You open your eyes to see Pepper standing so far away from you, his tail wagging as he sees you and barks happily. You cannot believe what you're seeing, and you're frozen in place, feeling so many emotions all at once. Pepper makes a run towards you. But before any happy thoughts could make their way to your mind, you see something glimmer from the corner of your eyes and before you could think anything further, a large machete appears, its blade shining menacingly one last time before slamming right into Pepper's neck, tainting itself and everything around you in deep red.

No. no. no. no. no. no.

Pepper falls down in an instant, crying and whimpering as it still tried to move towards you, but only flailing instead on the ground. He whimpers so loudly that his pain slams right into your chest and rips out your heart. His body stops moving but the whimpering and cries never stop, instead, they got louder and louder every passing second.

You try to dash towards him but your legs had become so heavy that they were basically unmovable. You exert every bit of your strength to lift your legs but you only manage to get one measly step closer to the body. You fall onto the ground in despair but refused to give up, using your arms to pull yourself and crawl towards him, you realize that his body is starting to move farther and farther away from you and now your arms were getting heavier too.

Pepper's cries were ringing louder than ever, surrounding you, driving you mad.

Please, no... please. No!! No... no. no. Please, stop. Stop, please!!

You were yelling but you couldn't hear yourself. Pepper's cries had drowned your own shouts to the point where you failed to her them.

End... this... please...

You see something glimmer again and you look up to see the machete hanging midair above you like a guillotine.


And before you knew it, it crashes right into your face.

A/N: woo- sorry for the looong wait (and the depressing chapter) lol :,)

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