Chapter 21 - Beg for It

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Yeonjun flicks your forehead with his slender fingers. "Knock, knock?"

The sharp sting of the impact instantly snaps you out of your thoughts and you swat his hand away from your face. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Revenge." He shrugs carelessly with a teasing grin.

Just you wait... I'll wipe that smirk off that pretty face of yours.

"Anyway~" He pushes a couple papers towards you. "You just need to sign these to agree that you won't trouble me for this teeny tiny mistake and I'll sign to assure you that you'll get the exact amount back. Not a penny more, not a penny less."

"What did you just say?" Your eyebrows bunch together in a scowl. "Won't trouble you for this teeny tiny mistake? Tch. Don't you think I should demand for some sort of compensation? I wouldn't want to let you off the hook so easily."

In response to the threat you just gave him, his only reaction is to clasp his hands together under his chin and break out in a wide grin.

What is up with him???

"Why do I have the feeling that you just want to spend some more time with me." He tilts his head, giving you a coy wink. "I mean; I wouldn't say no exactly."

"You, son of a bi–"

Dammit, his mom is literally in the room right now...

"I would never drop my standards that low."

"Playing hard to get. I see." He rolls his eyes playfully. "I can deal with that."

You give him a bewildered expression. His flirtatious remarks were beyond your comprehension. What the heck is wrong with you?! You shoot him a death-glare in hopes of silently conveying this message – and to stop your face from heating up.

He looks behind you, in the direction where his mom was seated, and lowers his head to a side to avoid her gaze, before whispering in such a barely audible voice, forcing you to read his lips to fully understand what he was trying to say.

Just play along for a bit, alright? If she sees how close we are, she might actually stop forcing me to go on blind dates against my will. He whispers incoherently.

"Ah... I see." You rub your chin and pretend to think about it that only makes Yeonjun get a little restless.

You lock your gaze with his in challenge. Beg for it. You mouth with a teasing smirk that makes him freeze in his place.

Am I dreaming or is he actually blushing?!

If it weren't for the fact that his ears had turned completely red, you would have never imagined that this man was capable of getting flustered. You see his Adam's apple bob as he swallows. "Please... y/n... I beg you..." He mumbles.

The overwhelming sense of pride and satisfaction you feel is nothing like you've ever felt.

I think I might have a screw loose but damn, I really should include this in curriculum vitae (CV)...

Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you grab a pen nearby and quietly start signing the documents Yeonjun had presented you with, making sure to read the fine print, which, to your surprise, were not demanding at all...

After signing the papers, you decide to give it a final read. As you did, you speak without looking up from the papers in your hands. "I've heard you're free on Fridays. Should we grab a drink together next Friday?"

You didn't have to look to see the astonishment that would be written all over his face. A sentence like this coming from you is bound to shock the entire country.

"I'd be more than delighted to spend the evening with you." He replies almost instantly in a surprisingly calm voice that makes your heart jump, almost regretting ever saying that.

I can't believe I just put myself into this situation...

Wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, you rise to your feet, rubbing your sweaty palms against your sides. "Since everything is settled, I shall be taking my leave then."

"Aw. That's sad." Yeonjun pouts dejectedly.

You were unable to tell if he was acting or... Being serious... Because with him, you never knew if he meant whatever came out of his mouth. But, in this case, you decided to believe that he was simply putting on a show for his dear mom.


As soon as you stepped out the building, you release a heavy sigh that seemed to have been trapped inside you this entire time. That sure did take a toll on your energy for the day.

The sun had almost set by the time you were done with business at Falcon Estate, and the sky was painted with brilliant hues ranging from indigo and pink to orange and yellow. The cool breeze blowing played a calming melody of the rustling leaves.

Yuna walks right behind you, just as tired as you were. "I've been wanting to tell you about what I discovered when I looked up the details of the guests that attended the Equinox Gala but..." She laughs awkwardly. "Things took some wild turns today pretty quickly and I never got the chance to elaborate."

Oh my god, yes... One of the most important piece of information I wanted to know about today.

"Yeah, we should..." You are interrupted by your phone starting to ring in your pocket. You groan in exhaustion before picking it up. "Yes?"

"y/n, dear? Are you free right now?"

"Oh... Hey, mom. Yeah, I just got free. Why?"

"Hm... Good, good... I just wanted to remind you, in case you had forgotten, to pay a visit-"

"I would never forget. Don't doubt my memory, mom." You sigh heavily, your head starting to hurt.

"Hm. Good to hear. Oh, and your dad wanted me to pass you a message-"

"He can say whatever he wants to me himself. Take care."

And with that, you hang up, partly annoyed and partly upset, because ever since you told your little brother, Jungwon, that you'd support his every decision, your dad had been disgruntled when he found out about it, since he was expecting you to try to persuade Jungwon into becoming the CEO after you.

"I'm utterly disappointed in you, y/n." His firm voice echoed through your mind.

Not the first time I'm hearing that...

"Ugh... Sorry, Yuna. We'll have to discuss this another time. You go home, I have somewhere to be."

Yuna nods, a little reluctant. "Are you sure, Ms. Park?"



After dropping off Yuna to the nearest bus stand, you speed your car towards the highway. It was already getting late so you wanted to make this trip quick since you believed visiting a cemetery in the dark was a bad omen.

You turn on the radio in your car to listen to some news as you drove.

"Breaking news, everyone! The distinguished CEO, Jeong Yangho, of the Atlas Enterprise has passed away in an accident and his assistant, Liam Archer, will be the acting CEO of the company until further notice..."


You almost pressed the brakes with full force as you'd seen in dramas, but since you were not that dramatic to begin with, you keep driving at the same pace. Your mind, however, was caught up in a flurry of thoughts, speculating on what could have happened...

You exit the highway via a turn that led you to a mildly bumpy road soon after. The headlights of your car illuminating the dusty road in front of you. Hardly many people lived in this area and those who did, avoided the vast cemetery. The abandoned houses around the perimeter of the land only made the scenery more eerie, and the tall lush trees did not make it any better.

The closer you got the more despondent, and unsettled, you felt... A couple hundred meters away from the gate of the cemetery, a powerful collision against the rear of your car sends your face flying towards the steering wheel.

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