Chapter 14 - A Fluffy Threat

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Yeonjun pulls up in your driveway and puts his car to park. He steps out and walks over to your side, opening the door for you and presenting his hand.

You wave him off. "I'm perfectly fine now. I don't need your he-"

Your jelly legs give out and you yelp in surprise as Yeonjun catches you just in time. He shakes his head. "Just because your brain is functioning again doesn't mean your body is too."

Unable to think of a rebuttal, you decide to keep your mouth shut and allow him to help you towards the main door of your house.

You grab the knocker of the door and bang it a couple times. "I'm home~!"

Yeonjun stares at you in pure shock, like you just grew a second head. "I did not know you did not live alone."

"Well, I do, in fact, live alone. Technically speaking." You shrug.

"Then, why did you just- I-?" He fails to form a coherent sentence. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we dropped your brain on the way. How about we go look for-"

The door clicks and swings open; revealing a black and white dog the size of a baby bear standing in the middle of the frame, wagging his bushy tail behind him.

Yeonjun's jaw drops in disbelief. He points at the dog, then at the door and then at the dog again? "The dog? Door? Open? How?"

You choke back a laugh as you begin to explain. "I installed a little nifty system for my little baby~"

Yeonjun blinks at you, at a loss for words, before he helps you inside, seating you on the couch in the living room. Pepper jumps into your lap, sniffing and licking you excessively as if he could sense that something had been wrong and makes sure you are alright.

"What if he opens it to chase away a delivery man? Or a cat or bird he saw outside? What if he decides to run away?!" Yeonjun voices his concerns as he gets on his knees and places a couple medicine bottles on the coffee table, still processing the witchcraft he just witnessed.

You place your hand over your heart and gasp as if his words hurt you. "My pepper would never! Right, my big floofy boy?" You then turn to your dog, squishing his face in your hands. Pepper barks happily in response.

"Can I please have the old y/n back? This one is freaking me out." Yeonjun scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "Oh crap- What if these are the side effects of the medicines I gave you?!"

You huff at him, scrunching your nose in disgust.

"Anyway..." He rises to his feet and starts to make his way to the kitchen when Pepper suddenly bolts up straight and growls in his direction.

"Hey, hey! Calm down buddy." He raises both his hands in defeat. "You were all fine and goofy a second ago! What just happened?"

"In case you got a little too comfortable, you're still a new face for him and he's still wary of you."

"Well? Then make it not wary of me!?" Yeonjun takes a step back when Pepper takes a slow step forward towards him.

"Oh? And what if I don't?" You grin devilishly, resting your face on the palm of your hand as you watch the show in front of you.

"y/n!" He pleads, his voice breaking into a squeak. "You can't be doing this right now! It's literally two seconds away from biting off my ass!"

You break out into a fit of laughter, struggling to fill your lungs with much needed air in between your wheezes as you wipe away the tears that had welled up in your eyes.

Yeonjun stares at you in bewilderment, completely forgetting about the threat in front of him for the moment.

Pepper also turns his head towards you, tilting his head, confused by your reaction. He then turns to Yeonjun, and back to you again, his tiny mind trying to understand what the hell was going on.

And as if a small bulb lights up over his head and he realizes that there is no danger in the room, his body relaxes and he sits down on his hind legs, starting to wag his tail at your figure, whose shoulders shook in mirth without restraint.

"See! I'm not the psychopath here, it's clearly her! She's lost her mind..." Yeonjun talks to the dog as he points in your general direction. Pepper only tilts his head and smiles at him, wagging his tail.

"Hm, do you think I should up the dosage or something?" He asks the hairy creature; to which he obviously doesn't get a reply. "Oh god... I think I might be losing my mind too..." He mumbles, putting the back of his hand on his forehead.

Shaking his head, he grabs a glass of water from the kitchen and hands it to you. He grabs the two medicine bottles and waves it in front of your eyes to get your attention before you dozed off. "When you wake up in the morning, take one tablet each from these two bottles, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't bother me." You turn your head away and hug the small cushion that was laying on the couch.

"Ugh." Yeonjun massages his temples.

Rummaging through the drawers of the kitchen, he manages to find a piece of paper and writes down a note for you to take your medicine the next morning and places it next to the medicines; all this while Pepper following him around with his tail swaying left and right non-stop.

Finally, ready to leave, he takes one last look at your figure lying peacefully on the couch.

She didn't even change...

He thinks looking at your vibrant gold dress that would most definitely be uncomfortable. And cold.

Ugh-! Fuck me and fuck my life. What did I get myself into?!

Yeonjun groans as he steps back into the house from the doorway and enters the room closest to the lounge, bringing out a blanket from the bed and dropping it over you, making sure it's covering you properly before leaving in a rush.


The next morning when you open your eyes, an agonizing headache greets you as you sit up straight. Your mind all fuzzy and worn out from exhaustion from the night before.

The night before!?

Your eyes widen as you realize that you were still wearing the dress from last night as the memories start flooding in speeds faster than you can even process them. Your eyes land on a piece of paper sitting on the coffee table in front of you. You hastily pick it up, your heart jumping weirdly when you're done reading.

"Take one tablet from each of the two bottles as soon as you get up, preferably after drinking something warm, like a soup. Call me if you need anything. +82 XXX-XXXX-XXX You'll be thanking me later~ ;)"

You take the two tablets with a glass of water that was lying next to the note, not having the appetite to eat anything else.

Checking your phone, you see 13 missed calls from your assistant, and almost drop the phone from your hand when you check the time above the missed call notifications.

12:37 p.m.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

You thank the heavens for being the CEO yourself, or else you would have been fired for good. 

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