Chapter 17 - Perfect Aim

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"Miss Park- What is that supposed to mean?!" Yuna suddenly panics and asks in a trembling voice.

"My reasonable guess is that they obviously want to trick people if they want to escape after doing something they have to hide."

"Oh my god, oh my god! We were just crossed by thugs!" Yuna rummages through her bag and takes out her inhaler, taking in a big puff.

"Fancy thugs at that." You squint at the car in front of you, that was starting to fade from your view. "They must be hired by someone with deep pockets."

"Should we call the cops?!"

"And how are we supposed to explain the situation to them? And tell them where the car is headed and for what purpose, when we don't have any solid evidence ourselves."

"T- then... We let it be? And h- hope for the best?"

"Of course not." You smile devilishly.

"Oh no- I don't like the look of that smile..." Yuna shrinks into her seat. "It's the smile you have on your face when you are about to drop a last minute bomb in the stock market..."

"Oh relax~ We're just gonna follow them for a bit and observe from afar." You reply as if it's the most normal thing to do when encountering a possibly dangerous car on a quiet highway during a Monday afternoon.

The only response you get is another deep puff of Yuna's inhaler, which you take as a yes.

And so, you tail behind the car for a couple minutes. Far enough to avoid their suspicion and close enough to be just able to see the speck of car ahead of you. You had started to get bored and were about to end the sluggish chase to get back to the business at hand when the silver car overtakes another car, black in color, and starts slowing down, forcing the car behind it slow down as well. When the black car tried to switch lanes, the silver car was quick to block it by steering right in front of it.

You straighten up while Yuna deflates further into the seat, becoming one with it.

"Ah. So it was finding its target. How amusing." You slow down your car to maintain a considerable distance from the two cars that had started slowing down further with the passage of time.

"Dear Lord, please forgive me for my sins. If I do not make out of this situation alive, please make sure my parents would at least be able to find my body intact so..." Yuna has her eyes shut tight and her hands clasped in front of her in a prayer.

"Pssh! Must you really worry when I'm here?" You roll your eyes in offence.

"Lord, I trust you with my life..."

"*sigh* Never mind."

You park the car on the side of the highway when your speed got so slow that you might as well just walk up to catch the two cars ahead. And also to avoid alerting the silver car if you tried slowing down any more.

You retrieve your pistol from under your seat and rush out of the car and head towards where the two cars might be.

"Miss! Where are you going?!" Yuna yells from behind, to which you don't bother answering. You then hear distant pleads from Yuna and eventually the sound of the door opening and closing, her footsteps finally approaching behind you.

"Stay behind me and far away, in case the situation gets ugly." You instruct her, loading your pistol and holding it in front of you, the barrel facing the ground as you treaded swiftly across the shoulder of the highway.

You finally see two cars parked on the side of the highway at a distance from you and think better of just running up to them out in the open, waving a gun in your hand. So you hide yourself in the tall grass and bushes growing off the road, continuing to approach them with soft steps.

Reaching close enough you see two men towering over a middle-aged woman, who was shaking terribly, while a third man in white was knocked out on the ground, definitely her chauffeur. You motion Yuna to stop following you and continue onward until you could hear what they were saying.

"Look, grandma, if you don't cooperate we will have you use harsher methods. We don't want to injure an old hag like you and complicate our mission. Alright? So just sit in our car without making another sound." One of the thugs says to her.

"I'm not a grandma!" She snaps back at them in a wobbly voice.

"Do we look like we care? No. And for fuck sake stop shouting for help. No one is going to hear you in this desolate highway." The other one yells at her.

Jeez, who's the one shouting now?

"Thank goodness we lost that car behind us. For a second I thought it was following us." The first one speaks again.

Hearing that, your hearts jumps but you exhale in relief knowing that they think they've lost you.

Too bad they don't know what's coming for them.

"We've wasted enough time already. At this rate someone is going to pass by and we'll be in trouble. Drag her into the car." The second thug spits out the cigarette in his mouth and takes a threatening step towards the middle-aged woman. The woman shrieks when he grabs her arm and yanks her towards their car.

"Let go of her."

The two men jump at your voice and turn around to face you, completely forgetting about the woman, who takes a few cautious steps away from them. Their eyes widen when they see a gun pointed at them.

"Or else what?" One of them barks at you, trying to buy some time, just enough for him to pull out his own firearm. His hand only managing to reach his belt when...



The two men drop onto the ground, dying in an instant. Crimson red blood starts pooling around their head at an incredible pace. You step forward to inspect the damage and see holes, smack dab in the center of their foreheads, from which blood was spilling out, painting their entire face in streaks of blood while their lifeless eyes reflected horror as they stared back at you.

"My aim is still perfect as ever. Sweet." Your lips curve up proudly.

"Miss!? Are you okay?! I heard gun..." You hear Yuna running over to you but as soon as she sees the bloody scene in front of her, she doubles over and starts retching her guts out. Your face pinches at the sight and you turn your back towards her, walking over to the woman, who takes two steps back for every step you take towards her.

You raise your hands up in surrender. "Ma'am, I won't hurt you."

"That's what those bastards also said!" Tears fill up her eyes.

"I promise..." You reply softly.

You see her resolve falter but she still keeps her guard up.

"*sigh* Ma'am, I would've loved to take my time and explain how I managed to show up but I have a really important meeting to get to and I'm already pretty late. How about this? I will drop you wherever you want me to and in exchange you don't tell anyone I was involved in any of this. Does this sound good enough to you?"

Hearing that you wanted to keep your involvement out of this whole scenario, her brows bunch together as she asks, "Who are you exactly?"

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