Chapter 26 - Unspoken Words

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"Why are you so adamant on getting on my nerves?" You hiss, snatching the files from the desk and storming out of the office.


Having almost memorized his schedule for today after a single read, you stand outside the door of his office to escort him for the meeting he had. You raise your hand to knock but your knuckles stop midair, just before touching the door, as you think about how were supposed to act around him in the company as his assistant.

Am I supposed to really knock, or just go in? I'm not exactly his assistant, just pretending to be one... There's no need for me to be so polite towards him.

Ugh... Why am I making it so difficult for myself?!

"Just come in already, y/n." You hear Yeonjun's voice from the other side of the door that catches you off guard.

"What?!" You spin your head to your right and left but see no one, making you feel embarrassed to know he somehow saw the awkward position you were in. A glimmer of something metallic catches your attention. On close observation, you realize he had a camera installed outside his office. No wonder he was able to see you...

You glare at the camera before bursting inside the door and stand in front of his desk with your jaw tightly clenched, your face red from a mix of anger and embarrassment. "You have two meetings scheduled for today. The first one begins in an hour and the second meeting in 3 hours."

"Mhm." He nods mindlessly, his eyes focused on the paper in front of him, on which he had untidily scribbled some points, his sleeves rolled up, exposing his veiny arms.

"You're not listening..."

"I am, I am." He puts down the pen and looks up. "Why are you in a rush? We have a lot of time."

You open your mouth to protest but he speaks up before you could. "My pen is almost out of ink. Could you give me a new one from that drawer over there, if you don't mind?"

"Oh, I would really mind." You snap at him. Who does he think he is?!

He doesn't even refute and only gives you a sweet innocent smile that forces you to move your feet in the direction he pointed to without any more complaints. You pick one up from the bundle of identical pens and place it in front of him with a small thud.

"Oh, and could you take out a new file and separate the documents for this meeting?"

You take in a deep breath to control yourself before quietly obeying him. As soon as you place the neatly arranged file in front of him, he opens his damned mouth again. "Ah, I almost forgot. Could you give a call to the rest of the people to be ready-"

You slam the palm of your hand on the table that makes him shut up. "Open that mouth of yours again and you'll regret it."

In that instant, the playfulness from his face vanishes and he raises a brow – perhaps in a warning, or maybe a challenge... "Oh, really? And would you like to enlighten me as to how I'm going to regret it?"

"You-!" You lean across the table and grab the front of his shirt between your first, yanking him off his chair and towards yourself. For a brief moment you could see the look of shock on his face before it morphs back into indifference. Although his brows are knitted together in a small frown, his stable breathing gets noticeably heavier as the two of you face each other. The wide desk being the only separation between you both.

"You are getting on my nerves, Choi." You try to ignore his intense gaze and the ridiculous stance you got yourself into.

Yeonjun doesn't care about the death grip you have on his shirt and leans even closer to you, bringing his face just inches away from yours. He looks right into your eyes, his narrowed eyes reflecting calm; a calm that came by default with a calculating person. He tilts his head and he silently watches you, as if waiting for the right opportunity.

You catch his eyes subtly dart to your lips for a split second before focusing back to your eyes. His jaw hardens as he brings his hand forward and tightly grips your wrist that was clenching his shirt. "I'm pretty sure getting on your nerves is far better than selfishly using you or stabbing you in the back. Wouldn't you agree?"

Unable to counter his perfectly reasonable and valid argument, you let go of him and he lets go of your wrist as you take a step back and look away with a frustrated sigh. Yeonjun lets out a victorious huff and adjusts his collars before walking around the desk towards you, picking up the file and holding it in front of you. "The meeting will start in ten minutes. Let's go."

You grab the file from his hands as nicely as possible and strut out of the office without sparing him another glance.

Yeonjun walks behind you, following you as you headed towards the conference room. Although, you couldn't see him behind you, you could feel his eyes boring holes into your back.

As you both passed through the busier areas of the building, you could hear the surprised gasps and whispers of people at the sight of you, or perhaps more so at the sight of Yeonjun casually following you as you lead the way with your head held high.

From now onwards, I will not be listening to whatever the fuck people have to say about me.


The handful of people who were attending this meeting seat themselves around the table was stretched across the length of the room, while you and Yeonjun sit in front of each other. The table between you two proving helpful in preventing you from strangling him.

A deathly silence envelops the conference room as the rest of the people hold their breaths, sensing the tense atmosphere and waiting for someone to begin the meeting.


The dull sound of you closing your eyeglasses case echoes through the room, seeming like the boom of a thunder in the noiseless room.

Still, no one dares to speak up, so Yeonjun decides to break the ice. "Let's begin with you, y/n. Could you brief us about the purpose of today's meeting?"

"... Of course." You stand up while pushing the glasses back across the bridge of your nose with your middle finger, making sure to emphasize the gesture to convey your silent message to him.

You hear a couple hushed gasps from the attendees of the meeting. Their eyeballs covertly turning towards Yeonjun, eager for his reaction to your not-so-subtle display of impertinence.

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