Chapter 09 - Not Even in Your Wildest Dreams

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You turn your head and scan the crowd for the person, who dared to ask such a nosy question, from the corner of your eye. Your gaze lands on a woman who was leaning all the way over the barricade, a tape recorder clasped tightly in her left hand while her other hand was circled around her mouth, indicating she was the one who was yelling a second ago.

She makes eye contact with you and as if feeling your piercing gaze, her eyes widen in fear and she doesn't waste a second to sink into the crowd before disappearing completely.

Controlling the urge to roll your eyes, you continue walking towards the entrance. The automatic glass doors slide open and you walk inside, Yuna following you quietly from behind.

The door closes behind you, the noise from outside fading out until you are greeted by a completely different atmosphere.

A soothingly mellow jazz flows around you that calms your nerves. The warm lights dimly illuminate the magnificent ballroom that is embellished with shades of white and pastel blue along with grey and golden accents. Every ornament and piece of furnishing following the same color combinations.


You were silently admiring the venue when an American man, in his early thirties, approaches you with a huge grin plastered across his face. He eyes you from top to bottom, an eyebrow raised in amusement. His gaze then meets your eyes, that try to hide the emotions – and hormones – bubbling inside him but failing, quite miserably, that is.

Your small, and fake, smile disappears from your face. Noticing the change in your expression, he quickly clears his throat and tips his head forward to greet. "Lovely to meet you Miss Park. I'm Andrew Miller." He places his hand out in front of him.

Oh, to twist this hand and feel the bones crack under my palm.

Pushing away the murderous thoughts in your head, you reluctantly reach out for his hand for a brief handshake. "An honor to meet the COO of Equinox in person."

You flash a small obligatory smile and start retracting your arm when he brings your hand closer to himself and bends to plant a soft but disgustingly lingering kiss on the back of your hand.

It took every ounce of energy in your body to not physically cringe, but you make it through anyway.

He straightens up and looks at you, beaming a little too much for his own good, while letting your hand go only after a moment too long. "If you excuse me, I'll attend the other guests. I've heard many amazing things about you. I hope to see you soon."

Heck, I don't hope so.

And with one last crooked smile he strides away.

"Well, well... Look at you; barely stepped in and already charming the guests. The COO, at that." You hear an overly confident and cocky voice behind you.

You let out an annoyed sigh and spin around to face the owner of this infuriatingly charming voice. "Got a problem, Choi?"

He was dressed in a black velvety tuxedo that shone faintly under the lights. The plain white shirt underneath was adorned at the top with a black bowtie with the same velvety texture. His fluffy hair was neatly combed and styled, which was a first for you.

If he didn't get on your nerves every time you two saw each other and interacted, you would've audibly gasped at the drop dread gorgeous man in front of you.

He chuckles lightly, shaking his head. "Of course not. Continue doing your thang."

"What do you mean, thang?" You take angry steps towards him and stop less than a foot away. Instead of grabbing his collars and wringing him violently, you jab your finger in the center of his chest.

The corner of Yeonjun's lip curve up, totally unfazed by your aggression. He then sighs like you were the one that was causing him an inconvenience, and not the other way round.

He opens his disgustingly pretty mouth to speak. "Absolutely nothing, dear. Don't get any wrong ideas."

Dear? Is he for real?

You glare at him, trying to study his expression to know if he's speaking the truth. Your eyes move from his perfect eyebrows to his fox like eyes, that calmly stare back at you, and then over to his plump pink lips.

Dammit. Why does he have to look so damn perfect and also get under my skin every single time.

"Miss Park." He closes his eyes and tilts his back slightly, revealing his brilliant jawline. That smug smirk on his face only widening as he sighs again but with a mix of a low chuckle this time. "What did I say about you staring at me like that?"

You turn your head to a side, feeling your traitorous cheeks heating up and huff in annoyance to cover up for your blush. "Never mind. I have nothing to do with you."

And with that you spin around gracefully to leave his proximity before he could respond with something you have absolutely no interest in listening to. But you had only taken a couple steps before you feel a hand wrap tightly around your wrist, pulling you back. Your back almost bumps into Yeonjun's chest but he stills you before it could even happen.

He lowers his head, bringing his lips close to your right ear and speaks in a gentle whisper. "You need be wary of Andrew. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Tch." You clench your jaw. "You really take me for a stupid, huh?"

"That's not what-" He exhales out gloomily. His warm breath brushing your earlobe and setting it on fire. "Can't you be cooperative for once?"

"With you? Hell nah. Not even in your wildest dreams." You free your wrist from his grasp. He parts his lips to speak but you interrupt him before words could escape him. "Now if you would excuse me, I have people to meet."

You quickly stride away from his presence and mingle with the guests, who were all thrilled by your appearance. They kept slipping in business negotiations in between conversations, not trying to hide the fact that they would want to collaborate with you and whatnot. They would hand you their business cards with their contact information, which you kept passing over to Yuna without even sparing a glance at the bits of rectangular pieces.

Now sitting at a minibar at the end of the hall and leisurely sipping the drink in your hand – that seemed like you were drinking lava, burning your mouth and throat as it made its way down to your stomach – your eyes scan the crowd from over the rim of your crystal glass as you drank slowly, taking note of all the people present while Yuna was standing beside you, arranging the bulk of business cards you had handed over to her.

She suddenly lets out a gasp and you snap your head in her direction to see that all the cards that were in her hand a few seconds ago were scattered on the floor around her feet as she stared at them with terror.

"Yuna?! What happened?!" You leave the glass on the bar counter and quickly crouch down next to Yuna and help her gather the cards. It wasn't until you both had collected all of them off the floor and straightened up that Yuna spoke.

"M- Miss... Park... L- look at this..." Yuna hands you one of the cards she was holding with a shaky hand.

It was a plain black card. You flip it over to see that there were words engraved on it in a glittering golden typewriter font. When you read what's written on the card, your breathing stops as your brain flips and spins to process what the actual hell was going on.

The card read:

"You're testing my patience and you'll have to pay for it."

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