Chapter 22 - A Murder All Along

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Never have you ever been more thankful for being a law abiding citizen who would always wear their seatbelt, as your face stops just inches away from the wheel, saving you from the brutal impact that could have knocked you out for good.

Your hand reaches for your gun before you could think and rush out of the car to take cover behind it and observe the car that hit you on purpose. Peeking over the bonnet of your car, you see four men step out.

You hear the clicks of guns loading. Footsteps approaching you in rushed paces.

"Where is she?" "Hurry up and look around the car." "She couldn't have gotten far anyway."

Bless the darkness, for once...

Taking in a couple deep breaths to calm your nerves, you aim for one of the men that seemed to be the closest to you... And fire.

The bang of the barrel pierces through the stillness of the quiet night, followed by a grunt and the thump of the man dropping onto the ground.

The remaining men left standing blindly start firing in the direction from where they thought you could have fired. Their bullets clanging against the metal of your car right behind you. Taking this opportunity, you make haste and crawl around the car, emerging from the other side so that their backs were facing you.

Bang. Bang.

Two bullets rip through the skull of another man.

The other two instantly turn in your direction and you make a dash to take cover behind the nearest tree amidst the shower of bullets behind you.

Right before you dove behind the safety of the tree, a stray bullet tears through the flesh of your left arm, sending a burning sting that knocks the air out of your lungs.

You clench your teeth and hiss through the pain. Your mind turning foggy, you decide to risk it and dash from behind one tree to another, taking this opportunity to send another bullet flying through the air. The sound of another one falling to his knees with a grunt, before landing face first on the ground gives you the much needed satisfaction.

You clutch your left arm tightly, your breathing becoming ragged and your vision blurring around the edges.

Click. Click.

The sound of the barrel emptying catches your attention. The last man standing spews some colorful words before you hear him speak in a panic stricken voice. "Three dead. Bullets finished. Send backup."

You don't waste a moment and stagger out from behind the tree, aiming the gun at him as you took slow steps towards him.

The man drops his gun, raising his hands in the air, trembling.

"Who sent you?" You yell at him through the blinding pain.

"I won't..."


You were not stupid enough to waste your time on making him spill the truth when he had already called reinforcements. You had to get out of there. And quick.

You dart towards your car to make a run for it before the loss of blood made you weaker than you already had become.

You swing the door of your car open.

But the agonizing ache of another bullet ripping through the same left arm blackens your vision, soon followed by a pair of muscular hands covering your mouth and eyes.


A sharp slap across your face forces you to open your eyes.

As the blurred view slowly clears out, you see Liam rubbing his hands, his eyes deflecting nothing but the desire to kill.

Behind him, in a far corner of this huge room, stood three bulky bodyguards, clad in black suits. Their entire figures enveloped in darkness; the only part of them visible was below their knees, that was illuminated by the weak bulb hanging above your head.

You take in a shaky breath that made your entire body ache. You painfully swallow the metallic liquid in your mouth down your throat.

You try moving your limbs, but couldn't. Not because your entire being was throbbing in pain but because your movement was restricted as you realize that you were tied up on a wooden chair that was covered in splinters which felt like a thousand needles jabbing your skin.

"You fucking lunatic..." You hiss at him.

The only response you get is the sound of his hand striking against your cheek, the sound reverberating around the walls surrounding you.

"I will kill you." You threaten him in a weak whisper, which earns you another excruciating strike across the same cheek.

Liam adjusts his cuffs and takes slow careful steps towards you. "Hand me what is mine." He orders in a calm tone, stopping behind the chair. Getting no response from you, he grabs your ponytail and yanks your head back.

You feel the press of cold blade against your exposed neck, causing your muscles to stiffen out of instinct.

"Do you really wish to suffer the same fate as your naïve older brother?"

Your pupils shrink into little dots at the mention of your deceased older brother.

Noticing the change in your expression, Liam laughs an ugly laugh. "Oh, how I wish that were possible, but I know it'll only complicate things for me." He gives your hair a sharp tug and presses the blade on your neck with increased force. "So, I'd rather drag you to hell and back until you stop being a stuck-up little bitch and give up your seat."

"Why...?" You utter the only word you can get out of your mouth in this state of shock.

Liam barks out a laugh as if you had just told him the most hilarious joke he's ever heard. "You really think you're all high and mighty to be able to claim what you stole as yours. Disgusting."

He puts a little more force on the blade until it starts sinking into your skin and you could feel the warmth of your blood slowly trail down your neck.

"Quite foolish of me to assume that getting rid of big brother Minho would be enough. Who would've thought that they'd put little sister y/n in his stead. A damn woman... Only if I had known that your bastard of a dad wouldn't wait until his youngest son was of age to take over the company and would rather give it to his just as stubborn daughter instead." He barks in your ear. "I would've dealt with you much sooner... You just don't know how long I planned and waited to take back what's mine..."

"Weren't you... Friends?" You muster up the strength to speak, at a loss of words to say anything else. All these years since your brother's death... A death that was not an accident... But a murder all along...

Liam retracts the blade from your neck and releases his grip on your hair. Instead, he kicks your chair, breaking its leg, causing you to fall on the concrete floor, hundreds of splinters penetrating into your flesh.

"You have until midnight. Go back to Black Pearl, resign from the position of CEO and hand it over to me." He steps forward and you see his shoes appear in front of your eyes. "And if you try to act smart, you won't have a brother at all."

Jungwon... No...

You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. You wanted to kill him. But you couldn't do any of those. The burning sensation of every cut and bruise and gunshot on your body was pushing away any reason or plan that tried coming to mind. The only thing you knew you had to ensure was staying alive. No matter the cost.

Staying alive so you could come back and torment him a million times over. Make him pay the price for every breath he took the wrong way. Even if that meant handing over the most precious thing you, and your dad, had spent their entire lives on to build, and make sure that it flourished to became what it is today...

Reluctantly, through gritted teeth, you manage to nod...

Liam's victorious laughter is the last thing you hear before his foot comes flying towards your head, causing your vision to black out once more.

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