Chapter 04 - Bar 81

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You step out of the elevator and enter the bar through the sliding doors, revealing a magnificent bar ahead.

Decorated exquisitely in gold and black, it sure looked exceedingly classy. The black barstools and counter tops paired perfectly with the intricate golden chandeliers that hung from the ceiling like clusters of gold stars that shimmered magically, lighting up the bar in a beautiful warmth.

Ceiling to floor windows spanned across the entire length of the bar on the other end that flaunted the night view of the city of Seoul like a carpet of glittering stars that faded into the horizon, having the power to enchant whoever dared to gaze through it.

Ceiling to floor windows spanned across the entire length of the bar on the other end that flaunted the night view of the city of Seoul like a carpet of glittering stars that faded into the horizon, having the power to enchant whoever dared to gaz...

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You grab a drink from a passing server's tray and make your way towards the seat in front of the window and sit down comfortably, admiring the dazzling view in front of you.

Couldn't think of a better way to spend the night.

A small smile forms on your lips and you let out a dreamy sigh, before lifting up the glass and taking a sip.

A mellow jazz flowed through the dimly lit bar, creating a relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere. The bar seemed more crowded than usual. Perhaps, it was because of the weekend, that the entire elite class decided to spend the evening away from the hustle and bustle of the city – just like you.

"Park y/n, sitting pretty and drinking alone in a bar. I wonder what's the occasion." A silvery voice flowed into your ears, subconsciously making you turn your head around.

There he was, standing with a martini glass in one hand, the other inside the pocket of his black pants. The sleeves of his fitted white shirt rolled up halfway through his forearms while the couple few buttons at the top were unbuttoned, as usual. His hair, thankfully, looked a lot neater this time around.

The dim, warm lights illuminated his perfectly sculpted face. A high nose bridge, full lips and a sharp jaw. And to finish it all off, a faint smile with an intense gaze that seemed to examine you carefully.

"Miss Park, I'm fully aware that I am indeed quite attractive, you don't have to stare at me like that. I get a little shy." He says as the smirk on his face widens.

Your face was definitely not getting hot. It was just the drink.

Yup, it's just the drink, nothing else. Chill, he's messing with you.

You subtly roll your eyes at his remark as a sarcastic laugh escapes your lips. "You and shy? Hell must have frozen."

Yeonjun's sweet laugh fills your ears as he takes a seat next to you, swirling the drink in his hand. "You say that like you know me pretty well. Heh. Anyway, Miss Park, was it a bad day at work that brought you here or something else?"

You place the empty glass on the table and turn your head towards him, resting your face in the palm of your hand as you spoke. "Firstly, don't call me miss, I feel like an old woman. Secondly, you are exceptionally nosy. And thirdly, no. It wasn't a bad day, quite the opposite in fact."

Yeonjun smiles lazily at your reasoning. "In that case." He says while swiftly grabbing another drink from a passing server's tray and placing it in front of you. "A toast to you, for securing a deal with Harper Security and Unilink Software."

You raise your eyebrows at him in surprise. "How did you know...? The deals aren't made public yet..."

"Well..." He shrugs innocently. "I am a sly fox eyeing your every move, aren't I?" He asks with a sly grin plastered over his face that makes your cheeks turn pink ever so lightly.

You awkwardly clear your throat. But before the air turned any more awkward, Yeonjun raises his glass, tilting it towards you and waiting for you to do the same.

You raise the glass that he had put in front of you earlier and clinked it against his before you both downed the drinks in one go.

"So, what do you plan on doing the rest of the evening?" He asks curiously while placing the glass down on the table. You think for a moment, then shrug. "Dunno. Perhaps, enjoy the view, order a few more drinks and mull over the things I have to do the next week."

Yeonjun chuckles lightly. "How boring."

"Oh?" You raise an eyebrow at him. "Then care to enlighten me what you will be doing that's so fun?"

Yeonjun leans on the table, pulling away his gaze from your face and towards the view outside. "I'm here with four of my best friends. We'll be chatting, to catch up to one another since we haven't met in a while, drinking, playing some fun games like poker, darts, pool, monopoly and then head out for karaoke. Fun isn't it?"

"Hm..." You trace the rim of your glass with your finger, unwilling to openly admit that you were quite envious of his plans for the evening.

You pictured him laughing his heart out with his friends as they all played games, poking fun at each other and pulling silly little pranks throughout the gaming sessions and then him clutching a mic tightly in his hand as he sang out his heart out with off-key notes while the rest of his friends laughed and cheered him on, no matter how terribly he sang.

What a life to live...

"Knock, knock, anyone home?" He leans in closer towards you and taps your head gently, the corners of his lips tilted up.

You suddenly snap out of your thoughts whilst shaking your head. "Ah- Ahem- I'm sorry, I spaced out. Maybe you should get going, your friends would be waiting for you."

Yeonjun gives you a skeptical look before standing up with the same welcoming smile he loved wearing. "Alright then. See you around, I guess."

He turns around and walks away, the crippling loneliness engulfing you the very next second.

You sigh softly. Not sure how to suppress the growing empty feeling in your stomach.

You spend a little while mindlessly gazing outside the tall windows, your face resting in the palm of your hand.

The shrimp alfredo you ordered arrives and you stare at it for a good minute before slowly picking up the utensils to dig in. You didn't have an appetite anymore but you still managed to finish it without puking.

It was finger-licking good but what's the point of food being so delicious when you just don't feel like eating anything in the first place.

You glance in the direction where Yeonjun and his friends were supposed to be sitting. But they weren't there anymore.

Hm. Maybe they've gone somewhere else to have fun...

You think to yourself, not sure why you were concerned about his whereabouts. Perhaps, because you felt a little lonely. Sitting in an expensive club, drinking fine quality drinks and celebrating your business success. All alone. Seemed a little pathetic if you were completely honest to yourself. But you didn't like being so brutally honest with yourself.

You shake your head and force the thoughts away to the back of your mind where they belonged.

No. I'm not alone or lonely or pathetic. At the end of the day, I still have Pepper with me~

You instantly melt at the thought of your 5-year-old Oreo colored Alaskan Malamute, who would probably be curled up on your spot on your couch in the living room right now, staring at the main entrance door and thinking where you were so late at night and why you aren't back yet.

Your chest tightens at the mental image of your big fluffy dog waiting for you.

That's it. I'm going home.

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