Chapter 3 : All the little moments

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As Maia Potter grew, so did her awareness of the world around her. She soon realized that she was not alone in the Potter household. Her parents, James and Lily, doted on her with love and affection. While Maia couldn't yet speak or understand the complexities of her new life, she could feel the warmth of their presence and the unconditional love they showered upon her.

One sunny morning, as the golden rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains in the nursery, Maia lay in her crib, cooing and gurgling with delight. Lily Evans, her mother, with her vibrant red hair and sparkling green eyes, entered the room. Lily's face lit up with a radiant smile as she scooped Maia into her arms.

"Good morning, my sweet Maia," Lily whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her daughter's forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

Maia responded with a contented gurgle, her tiny fingers reaching out to grasp her mother's hair. Lily chuckled, her heart full of love for the precious little bundle in her arms.

As the weeks passed, Maia's world expanded to include the mischievous and jovial presence of the Marauders. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and, of course, her father, James Potter, were frequent visitors to the Potter household. They couldn't resist spending time with their dear friend James and his adorable baby girl.

One evening, while Maia lay on a soft, plush rug in the living room, the Marauders gathered around her, each taking their turn to make her smile. Sirius transformed into a large, friendly dog, eliciting squeals of delight from Maia as he playfully nuzzled her. Remus, ever the thoughtful one, shared stories of magical creatures and adventures from the wizarding world, his soothing voice lulling Maia into a sense of wonder. And then there was James, her father, who had a special bond with her, cradling her in his arms and singing lullabies that made her drift into peaceful slumber.

But amidst the laughter and camaraderie, there was one member of this group that Maia couldn't bring herself to like—Peter Pettigrew. She had a deep-seated hatred for him, even though she was just a baby. She knew the betrayal that lay in his future, a betrayal that would shatter the happiness of her family.

Whenever Peter was near, Maia's tiny fists would clench, and she would emit a disgruntled noise, as if expressing her disdain for the man who would one day betray them all. It was an inexplicable aversion, but one that would prove to be eerily prescient as the years went by.

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