Chapter 20 : The House Cup

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The next morning, Maia found herself waking up to the sight of Hermione sitting beside Harry, who was still unconscious, while Ron was soundly asleep. Concerned, Maia approached Harry, asking if he was alright. Hermione assured her that he was, and Maia expressed her relief, albeit in a soft tone, considering Harry couldn't hear her. Hermione chuckled at the exchange.

In the following days, Maia's routine at Hogwarts returned to a semblance of normalcy. However, she had to step into Harry's role as Seeker for the final Quidditch match, a position she found challenging. Gryffindor managed to win the match, though their overall standing remained at the bottom. Maia struggled to spot the Snitch during the game, and Ravenclaw capitalized on the opportunity to score repeatedly. Her victory in catching the Snitch was attributed to luck, and the experience left her exhausted.


Maia was making her way through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts when she encountered Fred, who was busy examining an assortment of pranks and joke items in his hands. His eyes lit up as he spotted her.

"Well, well, look who it is. Maia Potter, the unsung hero of Gryffindor," Fred greeted with a playful grin.

Maia arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Unsung hero? I think you might be giving me too much credit. I'm just a witch trying to survive the magical chaos of Hogwarts."

Fred chuckled, holding up a colorful box. "How about a Skiving Snackbox to add a bit of excitement to your magical journey? Guaranteed to make your classes more interesting."

Maia feigned a gasp. "Oh, Fred, you know just how to win a witch's heart. But I'll pass. I've had my fill of excitement for the year."

Fred leaned in conspiratorially. "Speaking of excitement, did you hear about the legendary Gryffindor victory? Thanks to your stellar Snitch-catching skills, of course."

Maia rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please, it was nothing. Just a bit of luck and a whole lot of winged golden ball dodging."

Fred chuckled. "Modesty, the mark of a true hero. But seriously, you saved Gryffindor from an embarrassing Quidditch defeat. We owe you one."

Maia grinned. "Owe me a favor? Can I get that in writing? I might need it someday when your pranks get out of hand."

Fred feigned innocence, placing a hand over his heart. "Pranks? Us? Never. We're innocent mischief-makers."

"Sure, innocent as a Blast-Ended Skrewt," Maia teased, earning a genuine laugh from Fred.

"Well, Maia, if you ever decide you want to add a bit of mischief to your life, you know where to find us. The Weasley twins are always ready for a partner in magical crime."

Maia pretended to ponder the offer. "Hmm, tempting. But for now, I'll stick to dodging golden balls."

Fred grinned. "A wise choice, Maia Potter. Until our paths cross again, may your days be filled with laughter and magical mayhem."

With a playful salute, Fred Weasley disappeared down the corridor, leaving Maia with a smile on her face.


Later, when visiting Harry in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey limited their time, emphasizing the need for Harry to rest. Despite the restrictions, they learned about Harry's encounter with Quirrell, the Sorcerer's Stone, and Voldemort. Maia, not being a fan of surprises, had already anticipated the unfolding events. She took the opportunity to reiterate her earlier warnings to the trio.

After the adventure, Maia, Ron, and Hermione reflected on the Quidditch match they had played in Harry's absence. Maia expressed her dissatisfaction with being a Seeker and recounted the challenges faced during the game. The trio learned about Gryffindor's dismal performance and Slytherin's House Cup victory.

On the last day of their first year, the friends headed to the Great Hall for the end-of-year feast. Despite Slytherin winning the House Cup, Maia maintained an optimistic outlook, reminding them of their role in saving the wizarding world. The friends shared a moment of camaraderie, with Maia playfully taunting Malfoy, who had been reveling in Slytherin's success.

During Dumbledore's closing speech, the headmaster acknowledged the recent events and decided to award last-minute points. Ron received fifty points for his chess prowess, Hermione for her logical thinking in the face of danger, and Maia for her leadership and conviction. The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers, and Maia, Hermione, and Ron shared joyful embraces.

The room fell silent again as Dumbledore announced Gryffindor's overall standing. Despite Slytherin winning the House Cup initially, Gryffindor's last-minute points propelled them to victory. The celebration continued, and Maia couldn't help but smile at the turn of events.

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