Chapter 9: The Magical World Awaits

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As the days passed, Maia couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and frustration. Hogwarts, the school of her dreams, was beckoning, promising a life far removed from the mundane existence she endured with the Dursleys. But Harry remained oblivious to the wonders that awaited him.

Determined to prepare her brother for the magical world, Maia spent her nights teaching him about the spells, creatures, and enchanting places that filled the wizarding realm. She illuminated their small bedroom with soft candlelight, her voice laced with excitement as she described the beauty of Diagon Alley, the thrill of riding broomsticks, and the allure of magical creatures like Hippogriffs and Nifflers.

Harry listened with rapt attention, his eyes wide with wonder. "Do you really think I could learn all that? Do you think I'm a wizard too?"

Maia smiled, her determination unwavering. "Of course, Harry. You're just as much a wizard as I am. Hogwarts believes in you, and so do I."

Yet, despite her efforts, the Dursleys remained obstinate in their denial of the magical world. Petunia and Vernon scoffed at Maia's attempts to share her knowledge, dismissing her tales as mere fantasies.

But on a crisp autumn morning, change arrived in the form of an unexpected visitor. Professor Minerva McGonagall, the stern Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts, materialized on their doorstep in her animagus form—a sleek tabby cat.

Witnessing McGonagall's magical transformation was the shock that finally shattered Harry's disbelief. His eyes widened, and for the first time, he truly understood that the world Maia spoke of was real.

"I'm a wizard," he whispered, his voice tinged with awe.

McGonagall, her cat-like eyes glinting with approval, nodded. "And a very famous one, I might add. You're Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived."

With a sense of purpose, McGonagall ushered them into the wizarding world, taking them to Diagon Alley. As they walked through the bustling magical marketplace, Harry's eyes widened with every enchanted shop and peculiar creature he encountered.

Maia watched her brother, her heart swelling with pride. For the first time, Harry was experiencing the magic she had known her entire life. Diagon Alley became a playground of discovery, and amidst the swirling excitement, Maia knew that their journey was only beginning.

Hogwarts, the castle of wonders and mysteries, awaited them. As they stood on Platform 9¾, ready to board the Hogwarts Express, Maia squeezed Harry's hand, her eyes alight with anticipation. The magical world was now his to explore, and together, they would face whatever challenges came their way.

The train whistle blew, and with a final glance at the Dursleys, who remained rooted in their disbelief, Maia and Harry stepped onto the train, ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Hogwarts was not just a school; it was their home, a place where they belonged, and where their true destinies would unfold.

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