Chapter 8: The Letter from Hogwarts

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The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue across Privet Drive. Inside Number 4, the Dursley household was abuzz with its usual sense of normalcy. Unbeknownst to the Dursleys, an air of anticipation filled the small, tidy living room.

Today was the day Maia has been waiting for—the arrival of their Hogwarts letters.

Suddenly, a soft tapping came from the window. Maia rushed to open it, her heart racing. A majestic owl, greeted her with a dignified hoot and dropped two letters into her outstretched hand.

"It's from Hogwarts, isn't it?" Maia said, her voice quivering with excitement.

She tore open the envelope with trembling fingers, her eyes scanning the contents. Harry, curious yet oblivious to the magical world, watched her intently, completely unaware of the revelation about to unfold.

"Dear Ms. Potter and Mr. Potter," Maia read aloud, her eyes lighting up as she absorbed the words. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..."

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief. "Witchcraft and... Wizardry? Are you joking, Maia?"

Maia shook her head, her excitement contagious. "No, Harry! It's real! We're witches and wizards! We're going to learn magic!"

As the reality of the letter sank in, Maia couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for her brother. The magical world was a wondrous place, but it seemed like Harry was destined to remain ignorant of its existence, thanks to the Dursleys' hostility.

Petunia Dursley, her face etched with annoyance, snatched the letter from Maia's hand. "Nonsense! There's no such thing as magic. This is just a prank. You're both delusional!"

Her husband, Vernon Dursley, sneered in agreement. "Freaks, the lot of you. We won't have any of that nonsense in this house."

Despite the Dursleys' hostility, Maia clung to the letter, her determination unyielding. Hogwarts was her ticket to a world of wonder, and she was determined to embrace it, even if her family refused to accept the truth.

The night fell, and as Maia and Harry lay in their respective beds, the glow of excitement began to fade into determination. Hogwarts was calling, and nothing, not even the Dursleys' hostility, could dampen their spirits. The magical world awaited, promising adventures beyond their wildest dreams, and Maia vowed to protect her brother and herself from whatever challenges lay ahead.

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