Chapter 5 : A bond unbroken

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As Maia's childhood in the Potter household continued, her bond with her twin brother, Harry, grew stronger with each passing day. Despite her mature mindset, Maia cherished her time with her family, and Harry was at the center of her world.

One sunny afternoon, the two siblings sat on a cozy blanket in the backyard, basking in the warmth of the sun. Harry was a few minutes older than Maia, and they shared an unspoken connection that transcended words. Maia often marveled at the resilience and courage that Harry displayed, even at such a young age.

Harry was busy exploring the grass, his tiny fingers brushing over the blades as he giggled with delight. Maia watched him with a soft smile, her heart filled with a mix of pride and protectiveness. She knew the destiny that awaited him, and she was determined to be there for him every step of the way.

Their mother, Lily, joined them, a picnic basket in hand, and spread a blanket beside them. She placed sandwiches, fruit, and a small cake in the center, all of Maia's favorites. Maia gave her mother an appreciative nod, knowing that this simple picnic was a reflection of Lily's deep love for her children.

As they enjoyed their meal, Maia couldn't help but sneak a knowing glance at her brother. She often thought about how Harry's life would have been so different if she hadn't been reborn into this world, with the knowledge of what lay ahead. She wanted to protect him from the darkness that loomed on the horizon.

"Hawwy" she said, her voice filled with sisterly affection. "we together fowever, otay?"

Harry, his green eyes reflecting the same determination, gave a toothless grin and reached out to squeeze her hand, as if he understood the weight of her words. It was a silent promise between siblings, one that they both intended to keep.

As the afternoon turned to evening, Maia and Harry lay side by side, gazing at the shifting colors of the sky as the sun dipped below the horizon. Maia couldn't help but feel a deep sense of responsibility for her brother's well-being, and she was determined to do whatever it took to ensure his safety and happiness.

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