Chapter 22 : The Weasleys

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A/N yes, im back!

The summer holidays had been rather uneventful, save for the conspicuous absence of any communication from our friends. Petunia and Vernon Dursley seemed to be avoiding Harry and me like the plague, which, to be honest, was a relief. However, boredom eventually caught up with me, prompting me to remember about this year's adventures with Dobby and the Chamber of Secrets. It was then that I decided to take matters into my own hands and write some letters to our friends.

To my surprise, the following morning, a blue Ford Anglia pulled up outside 4 Privet Drive, heralding the arrival of Fred and George Weasley in all their glory. Harry and I dashed down the stairs, eager to greet our friends, much to Vernon's chagrin, who shouted profanities at us as we hurried past him.

"FRED! GEORGE!!" I exclaimed excitedly as they approached, their infectious smiles lighting up their faces. They wasted no time in pulling me into a tight hug, their familiar warmth filling me with joy.

"How is our little prankster doing?" they asked mischievously, eliciting a giggle from me. I playfully pouted as they ruffled my hair, teasing them about their handsome presence, before we all dissolved into laughter.

"Hello, Maia," Ron greeted me warmly, and I returned his greeting with equal enthusiasm. It wasn't long before another voice joined the chorus, startling me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry, Maia," said a man with red hair and a pleasant smile. His name was Arthur, he insisted, and his kind demeanor instantly put me at ease.

As we piled into the car, Fred pulled me onto his lap, much to Harry's dismay, who shot me a mock glare. The twins wasted no time in engaging me in a lively conversation about their latest experiments with magical chocolates, each more outrageous than the last. They confided in me about their dream of opening a joke shop, and I pledged my unwavering support, feeling a swell of pride at being the first to know.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the Burrow, where Mrs. Weasley greeted us with open arms, her maternal warmth enveloping us like a comforting embrace. She fussed over us, bustling about the kitchen as she prepared a delicious meal, her motherly instincts kicking into overdrive.

In the days that followed, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley's youngest daughter, became my constant companion. We bonded over shared interests and late-night conversations, forging a friendship that would last a lifetime. Mrs. Weasley, ever the doting mother, welcomed me into her home with open arms, treating me like one of her own.

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