Chapter 19 : Meeting with No-nose

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They were having their exams. Maia was so nervous that she had forgotten about the stone  It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anti-Cheating spell.

They had practical exams as well. Professor Flitwick called them one by one into his class to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance across a desk. Maia thought she did well; she had made the pineapple dance to Disney's 'Hakuna Matata' song from Lion King. Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox- points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was but taken away if it had whiskers. Maia had made a golden box with amber engravings, earning an approving smile from McGonagall. Snape made them all nervous, breathing down their necks while they tried to remember how to make a Forgetfulness potion. Maia was shivering with excitement and nervousness as she finished the last step of the potion.

The History of Magic exam was quite easy, as it was mostly about remembering names and dates. The dates were the problem. Only after the exams were finished did she breathe freely. "How did your transfiguration go?" Hermione asked her as they made their way down to the grounds.

"I think I did well. It was fairly easy, don't you think?" Maia said brightly. 

Harry was rubbing his forehead while Maia was rubbing her neck as they sat under a tree, relaxing as they watched the Giant Squid sunbathing its tentacles. "I wish I knew what this means!" Harry burst out angrily. "Our scars keeps hurting - it's happened before, but never as often as this."

"Go to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione suggested.

"We're not ill," said Harry. "I think it's a warning... it means danger's coming...." Ron couldn't get worked up; it was too hot. "Harry, relax," he said lying down and stretching his arms out in the shade. "Hermione's right, the Stone's safe as long as Dumbledore's around. Anyway, we've never had any proof Snape found out how to get past Fluffy. He nearly had his leg ripped off once, he's not going to try it again in a hurry. And Neville will play Quidditch for England before Hagrid lets Dumbledore down."  

Harry stared at an owl fly across the sky to the school, when it hit him. He jumped up to his feet and ran towards Hagrid's hut yelling. "You were right. You were right, sis. Why didn't I see this before?"

"Where're you going?" said Ron jumping to his feet and running after Harry

"What is it?" panted Hermione, hurrying to keep up. 

"Maia was right. Don't you think it's a bit odd," said Harry, scrambling up the grassy slope. "That what Hagrid wants more than anything else is a dragon, and a stranger turns up who just happens to have an egg in his pocket? How many people wander around with dragon eggs if it's against wizard law? Lucky they found Hagrid, don't you think? Why didn't I see it before?"

"What are you talking about?" said Ron. Hagrid was sitting in an armchair outside his house; his trousers and sleeves were rolled up, and he was shelling peas into a large bowl. "Hullo," he said, smiling. "Finished yer exams? Got time fer a drink?" "Yes, please," said Ron, but Harry cut him off.

"No, we're in a hurry. Hagrid, I've got to ask you something," he said urgently. "You know that night you won Norbert? You said you didn't see what he looked like, right?"

"Yeah," said Hagrid casually, "he wouldn' take his cloak off." He saw the three of them look stunned and raised his eyebrows. "It's not that unusual, yeh get a lot o' funny folk in the Hog's Head — that's one o' the pubs down in the village. Mighta bin a dragon dealer, mightn' he? I never saw his face, he kept his hood up."

Harry sank down next to the bowl of peas. "What did you talk to him about, Hagrid? Did you mention Hogwarts at all?"

"Mighta come up," said Hagrid, frowning as he tried to remember. "Yeah ... he asked what I did, an' I told him I was gamekeeper here.... He asked a bit about the sorta creatures I look after... so I told him... an' I said what I'd always really wanted was a dragon... an' then... I can' remember too well, 'cause he kept buyin' me drinks.... Let's see... yeah, then he said he had the dragon egg an' we could play cards fer it if I wanted... but he had ter be sure I could handle it, he didn' want it ter go ter any old home.... So I told him, after Fluffy, a dragon would be easy...."

"And he seemed interested in Fluffy didn't he?" said Harry, frowning.

"Well - yeah - how many three-headed dogs d'yeh meet, even around Hogwarts? So I told him, Fluffy's a piece o' cake if yeh know how to calm him down, jus' play him a bit o' music an' he'll go straight off ter sleep Hagrid suddenly looked horrified. "I shouldn'ta told yeh that!" he blurted out. "Forget I said it! Hey - where're yeh goin'?" Harry, Ron, Maia and Hermione didn't speak to each other at all until they came to a halt in the entrance hall, which seemed very cold and gloomy after the grounds.

"We've got to go to Dumbledore," said Harry. "Hagrid told that stranger how to get past Fluffy, and it was either Snape or Voldemort under that cloak - it must've been easy, once he'd got Hagrid drunk. I just hope Dumbledore believes us. Firenze might back us up if Bane doesn't stop him. Where's Dumbledore's office?" Maia had groaned when Snape was mentioned. "I know. Follow me."

"What are you four doing inside?"

It was Professor McGonagall, carrying a large pile of books. She looked down at the four of them, guilty looks etched on.

They confront Professor McGonagall to inform her, but she dismisses their concerns. Later, they encounter Snape, who warns them against wandering at night. The group decides to proceed with their plan, despite the risks. Harry's determination stems from the fear that if Snape obtains the Stone, Voldemort will return. They prepare to use the Invisibility Cloak to sneak past obstacles guarding the Stone.

Neville, having overheard their conversation, tries to stop them, but Hermione reluctantly immobilizes him. The group, now under the Cloak, heads towards their dangerous mission, feeling a mix of fear and determination.

Under the Invisibility Cloak, Harry began to play the flute. The enchanted harp that Hagrid had mentioned was nearby, and as the sweet melody filled the air, the three-headed dog, Fluffy, gradually calmed down. Its eyes drooped, and its heads sank onto its paws, eventually succumbing to a deep slumber. The trio carefully tiptoed past the enormous dog and entered the trapdoor.

Descending through the trapdoor, they found themselves in a low, damp passage. Harry took the lead, followed closely by Ron, Hermione, and Maia. They navigated through a series of challenges: a patch of devil's snare, a room filled with deadly flying keys, and a giant chessboard. Ron showcased his strategic skills, guiding them through the life-sized chess match. With each obstacle, their determination and teamwork were put to the test.

Finally, they reached the last chamber, where the Sorcerer's Stone was hidden. It was protected by Professor Quirrell, who was working for Voldemort. Harry's scar seared with pain as Quirrell tried to seize the Stone. In the heat of the moment, facing Voldemort, Maia, emboldened by her courage, directly insulted him, challenging his power and authority. In a moment of bravery, Harry lunged at Quirrell, causing the professor's skin to burn upon contact with Harry's flesh, protected by the love-infused sacrificial charm left by his mother. Voldemort, weakened and unable to touch Harry, fled from Quirrell's body, vanquished once again.

Dumbledore arrived just in time to save the day, explaining how the Stone could only be retrieved by someone who wanted to find it but not use it. The danger was over, and Gryffindor's bravery and resourcefulness had triumphed. As they made their way back through the trapdoor, the weight of their adventure sank in.

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