Chapter 23 : The Arrival

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On the first of September, Maia packed her trunk and boarded the red, steaming Hogwarts Express, excitement coursing through her veins. She scanned the compartments for familiar faces, hoping to find Hermione among the bustling crowd of students. Harry and Ron were likely off on some adventure of their own, she reasoned, so she didn't bother searching for them. Instead, she longed for the companionship of her bookish friend.

"Maia! Over here!" came Hermione's familiar voice, cutting through the noise of the platform. Maia grinned and made her way over to her friend, who was waving enthusiastically near an empty compartment.

"Put your hand down already," Maia teased as Hermione lowered her hand with a sheepish smile. Together, they settled into the compartment, Maia pulling out her new second-year charms book while Hermione opted for one of Lockhart's novels.

"You don't actually believe that guy did all that, do you?" Maia asked incredulously, eyeing Hermione's choice of reading material.

Their conversation was interrupted by the unwelcome intrusion of Draco Malfoy and his cronies, but Maia didn't hesitate to put him in his place. With a steely glare and a warning, she silenced Malfoy's taunts and focused her attention back on her book.

Just as the tension in the compartment began to dissipate, Fred and George Weasley made a grand entrance, their infectious energy filling the space. Maia's mood lifted instantly at the sight of the mischievous twins, and she greeted them warmly, her smile widening as Fred pulled her into a playful embrace.

"Hello, Fred, George," she said with a playful twinkle in her eye, enjoying the banter that ensued between the three of them. Fred's easygoing charm and quick wit were impossible to resist, and Maia found herself drawn to his magnetic personality.

As the journey progressed, Fred and George regaled Maia with stories of their latest pranks and inventions, their laughter filling the compartment with warmth and camaraderie. Maia found herself captivated by Fred's animated gestures and mischievous grin, feeling a flutter of excitement every time their eyes met.

Their flirtatious exchange continued throughout the journey, punctuated by playful teasing and shared laughter.

As the journey progressed, the twins eventually departed to seek out their friend Lee Jordan, leaving Maia and Hermione to their own devices. When Hermione announced her intention to search for Harry and Ron, Maia nodded in understanding, her focus returning to her spellcasting.

Upon Hermione's return, her expression was crestfallen, her search yielding no results. Maia attempted to reassure her, albeit with a hint of amusement, suggesting that Harry and Ron were likely to arrive at Hogwarts in their own unique fashion.

Her words proved prophetic when, moments later, they spotted the blue Ford Anglia soaring past the train window, confirming their suspicions. Hermione's horror quickly turned to disbelief, while Maia couldn't suppress a smirk at the sight.

As they disembarked at Hogsmeade station and made their way to the castle, Hermione continued to fret over Harry and Ron's antics, her admonishments falling on deaf ears as Maia drifted into her own thoughts.

In the Great Hall, amid the excitement of the sorting ceremony, Maia cheered loudly as Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor, her mind wandering to the misadventures of her absent friends. The rest of the evening was spent in lively conversation, with Maia and Hermione comforting Ginny and listening intently to the Weasley twins' tales of mischief.

As they made their way to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione voiced her concerns about Harry and Ron's reckless behavior, to which Maia responded with a dismissive remark. The sight of Harry and Ron surrounded by well-wishers greeted them, and Maia couldn't help but join in the celebration, laughing along with her friends as Hermione scolded them for their antics.

It was a night filled with laughter and camaraderie, a reminder of the enduring bond shared by the Gryffindor quartet.

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