Chapter 14 : Golden Quartet

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Owls swooped into the Great Hall as usual, but this time there were a dozen of them, each carrying a long package. Six owls landed in front of Maia and Harry, their broomsticks neatly wrapped. Dawn, Maia's loyal owl, dropped a letter on her lap and perched on her shoulder, its feathers rustling softly. Maia carefully opened the letter, her eyes scanning the words.

'DO NOT OPEN THE PARCEL AT THE TABLE. It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session. Prof. McGonagall.'

A wide smile spread across Maia's face as she glanced at Harry, who was equally thrilled. They shared excited glances and then passed the note to Ron, who looked utterly astonished.

"You're joking!" Ron exclaimed, his eyes wide in disbelief.

Maia then showed Hermione, but her reaction was less enthusiastic. "Oh, come on, lighten up, Hermione," Maia said, giving her a playful nudge.

"You might think this is a reward for breaking rules," Hermione said, her tone disapproving.

Maia shook her head, placing the letter down. "Hermione, breaking rules isn't something to be proud of. If I get detention because of this, I'll accept it gladly. But you heard what Malfoy said. You saw what he did."

"Malfoy is just an immature boy," Hermione hissed. "But that doesn't make it right."

Ignoring Hermione's argument, Harry, Ron, and Maia made their way out of the Great Hall, eager to unwrap their broomsticks in private before their first Quidditch practice. However, their path was blocked by Crabbe and Goyle, with Malfoy smirking nearby. Malfoy quickly seized Harry's package, realizing it contained a broomstick.

"That's a broomstick. You've got one too, Maia," Malfoy sneered, tossing the package back to Harry, his jealousy evident.

"You'll be in trouble this time. First years aren't allowed them," Malfoy taunted.

Ron, never one to back down, retorted, "It's not just any broomstick. It's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What's yours at home, Malfoy? A Comet Two Sixty? Comets might look flashy, but they're no match for the Nimbus."

Malfoy's face contorted with rage. "What would you know about it, Weasley? You couldn't afford half the handle. I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig."

Before Ron could respond, Professor Flitwick appeared at Malfoy's side, defusing the argument. Maia couldn't help but enjoy Malfoy's obvious frustration, although a twinge of guilt nagged at her.

Once the commotion settled, they made their way upstairs, eager to unveil their new brooms. Carefully unwrapping the packages, Maia marveled at the sleek mahogany handle and the perfectly angled bristles of the Nimbus 2000. Guilt began to settle in; this level of favoritism felt unjust. While Harry and Ron excitedly discussed their brooms, Maia couldn't shake off her unease.

That evening, as Harry and Maia marched to the Quidditch pitch with their broomsticks slung over their shoulders, their excitement was palpable. Wood arrived with a box, ready to commence their first training session. Although Maia was well-versed in Quidditch, she patiently listened as Wood explained the rules, trying not to seem too eager to take to the skies.

During their Charms class, Maia found herself paired with Malfoy. Ron's unsuccessful attempts at the levitation spell provided some amusement, but Hermione's perfect execution made Maia beam with pride. Maia was determined to make Hermione see how valued she truly was.

However, when Hermione didn't show up for the next class and was absent all afternoon, Maia grew concerned. Unable to wait any longer, she hurried to the girls' bathroom, where she found Hermione crying in one of the stalls. Maia's stern yet caring words coaxed Hermione out of her solitude, reminding her of the genuine friendship they shared.

But their peace was shattered when a monstrous troll appeared in the bathroom. Terrified, Maia and Hermione hid, but Harry and Ron came to their rescue. In the midst of chaos, Ron bravely faced the troll, saving them all. Professor McGonagall arrived, scolding them for their recklessness, but acknowledging their bravery. Maia felt a surge of elation; the incident solidified their friendship, forming what she affectionately called the "Golden Quartet."

That night, as she drifted off to sleep, Maia reflected on the day's events. Hogwarts was now more than just a school; it was their shared adventure, and she was grateful for the friends who stood by her side. With the dawn of a new day, Maia looked forward to the challenges and joys that awaited the Golden Quartet, ready to face them together.

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