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TIMELINE - SUNDAY | 11:00 am

Sakura woke up and straight up took her phone to check if any important messages were there , and there were none , so she puts her phone on charging and heads to bathroom to get freshen up .

As she brushed her teeth and looked in mirror , she blushed and reminded herself of that sweet moment with jimin ...she just couldn't stop smiling since then ...she kept playing it all in her mind again and again ..

After a few minutes she washed her face and went back to her room to grab a oversized comfortable tee and her favourite black shorts !

As she got done with her everyday routine she was hungry by then , so she went downstairs for the breakfast...

Stepping down the stairs she noticed yoongi and jimin with jimin's manager / right hand kim taehyung, she knew taehyung from a very long time as taehyung and jimin were school buddies and they were working with each other from last 3 years ...but there were few new faces as well ...maybe there were 4 of them ...

It seemed like they were discussing something important so she didn't disturb them and went to kitchen to grab some cereal as her mother was not at home ...her parents were actually in usa right now ...for a week actually!

She was enjoying the colourful meal when she heard some faint laughing and she knew the meeting might be done by now ...she was very keen to know who were the people sitting with her brother so she ate all the cereal as soon as she could and started following the sound !

She went to yoongi and hugged him by side ..

S- good morning oppa...
Yg - good morning princess ...when did you get up ?
S - just a while ago
Yg - you had food? Want me to make you something..
S- just had some cereal oppa ..
Yg - thats great i want you to meet some new people or you can say friends of mine ...

Sakura looked at them all and waved a hi towards them ...when she looked at jimin ...jimin was already looking at her ..she looked at him with a OH SO BEAUTIFUL SMILE and looked down as she was shy , she was blushing at the cute eye contact ...

Yg- guys ...this is my little baby sister ,sakura ....and sakura ...they are the owners of kim industries , kim seokjin and his younger brother kim namjoon ..they will be our new supplier for the guns we make !

( sakura was very well aware about her family's business and yoongi always use to share everything to her )

Sakura - oh ...( looked at them )
Rm - hey sakura !
Jin - helloooo sakura !
S - hieeee ( she said hi and bowed a little to show respect)

Jimin looked at her and noticed that how she was all cheerful today ...he was happy that she's better now ..

Yg - and they are there managers or you can say there right hand in the work ...jeon jungkook , he works under seokjin ...and jung hoseok , he works for namjoon .... ( he pointed at them with the pen he had in his hand )

Sakura - hey jungkook !
Jk - heyyyyy sakura can call me jk !
S - okay then ...J K ! ( she smiled at him and chuckled a little)
Hobi - hey sakura ! Im hobi ...its nice to meet you dear ..
S - oh hii hobi ..its nice to meet you too ..Actually it's nice meeting you all ...

Yoongi smiled at her ... as she was all happy and greeted all of them with such respect, like a well mannered girl! He was watching her like a proud father , who looks at there kids on there little achievements!

Yg - so sakura ? Want me to make you some sandwiches? ... we were just going to have some food ..

S - umm ..sure , I'll help you oppa ... i was actually about to practice for my cooking and baking exams i can make you guys some desserts !

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