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Time line :12:30 am

JIMIN YOU MF ASSHOLE (yoongi growled)

Jungkook covered yoongi's mouth with his palm amd took him from there ...whilst namjoon cleared the way ..

Jimin took the vase nearby and backed up a little from ashley and with a bang hits her on the head ...Ashley fell to the ground and fainted

Jimin checked if she's breathing and she was ,so he puts her on the couch back and mumbled a sorry , not because he felt bad for hitting her ,he said sorry because he knew she was pregnant...but he had to do it for sakura ...

Jimin's always been a softie ..

He left the room to follow the guys by the stairs the left

As soon as he saw them ,jungkook waved towards him

Yoongi was soooo angry ..he straight away punched jimin !

Jimin -Owww hyung ( he holds his jaw with his palm  )

Yoongi -you traitor

Jimin - what was that for ?

Yoongi-you ...Don't behave like that now .i saw you kissing that bitch

Jimin - hyung i did that to distract her or else she could have alarmed her men ...

Yoongi - huh !

Namjoon-guys don't waste time arguing..remember we need to get sakura back before ashley wakes up !!(namjoon is always the wisest )

Jk - where is sakura ?? She's not on this floor ..that's for sure !

Jimin - i know where sakura is ,just follow me ..

Jimin walked past the hallway to a door , he opened the door that leads a staircase downwards...

They all looked at each other ....

Jk - how do you know this ...?

Jimin - simple! Jin hyung !

Namjoon - yeah ...jin left early for this place ...he knows where sakura is being kept ! He informed me and i told jimin !

Yoongi - when did this happen?

Jimin - when we were planning...jin hyung found out the guard and driver that betrayed us (the ones who were with sakura) He tortured them and got the details and finished them !

Jk - cool ! Where is jin hyung now ?

Jimin - he's back to tae and hobi ...he's gonna come back with them in 10..

Yoongi - fine let's go now !

Jimin nodded and they stepped down !

When they reached the underground level was too dark they decided to follow jimin quietly

When they saw a ray of light peeping through a room's door ,they knew that's the destination!

Jimin decided he's gonna enter alone and the rest of them will be waiting outside in case someone comes but yoongi told him he's gonna come too

Jimin didn't go against him as he knew yoongi just wants to help and see his baby sister fine and safe !

Jimin -hyung ...just don't do anything...there might be guards over there ..jk and namjoon ,you both only have to cover for us if i ask you ,you main job is to take sakura back to car ! Am i clear ?

Jk -got it !

Namjoon-only if you assure us you two will be back too !

Yoongi-of course...who's gonna beat me down !

SOULMATE ( jimin ff) complete ✅Where stories live. Discover now