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TIMELINE : 12 am

Sakura pov :

I changed into my favourite stitch onesie, i love it because it keeps me warm and well ,i look cute !

I changed into my favourite stitch onesie, i love it because it keeps me warm and well ,i look cute !

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As i was going down the stairs, i saw jungkook and yoongi oppa were sitting with jimin in between...

Just then ,I heard jungkook say he likes someone ...

I went to them ..

Sakura - who do you like jk ??
Jungkook- oh one ..i ..uh one ...
Sakura- fine don't tell me ,huh!!!
(Jungkook smiled scratching the back of his neck )
Sakura - oppa ?
Yg - yes princess?
Sakura - you want hot chocolate...i was making some for jimin oppa ...
Yg- no gonna sleep ...I'm wasted !
Sakura - okay ..good night oppa ...
Yg - you too sleep on time ..good night princess..
Jungkook- sakura ...? Let me tell you , you look sooooo cute..( sakura smiled )
Jimin - yeahhh ...i agree're the cutest sakura ..
(Sakura blushed at jimin's compliment)
Sakura - thanks guys ...jk ? You want some hot chocolate?
Jungkook- no ...i only like banana milk !
Sakura- i might have some in refrigerator..wait here I'll just go and check ...
Jungkook- that's great ...

As sakura left for kitchen jimin thought of asking jungkook ..

Jimin- so you like someone??
Jungkook - yeahh
Jimin- who's that lucky girl ?
Jungkook- umm I'll actually ask her first ...if she revert backs my feelings and wants to be in a relationship with me , only then I'll reveal her identity..sorry I'd just like to keep it that way ...
Jimin - oh ...well that's very considerate of you...(jk nodded )

Jungkook smiled and jimin smiled back

Sakura came back with a mug and 2 banana milk bottle in a tray !

Sakura - here we go chocolate for jimin oppa , banana milk for jk ...

Jimin - you aren't having anything? ( looked at sakura )

Sakura- uh actually i wanted to have some ice cream but we don't have any yeah ..

Jk - thanks sakura for the banana milk ...uh i guess I'll see you soon then ...I should head home its pretty late and we have a meeting tomorrow..

Sakura - good night jk carefully and text me once you get home okay ?

Jk - sure i will .. ..good bie hyung , bbie sakuraaa ...

Jimin & sakura - byeee!

Jungkook left and jimin sipped on his hot chocolate!

Jimin - sakura ...can i ask you something?

Sakura- mhmm ..

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