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Next morning (10 :00 am )

As the sunlight hits sakura's flawless milky skin ...she rustles her duvet to the side and noticed that Jimin's gone ..he told her last night that they had a meeting so she shrugged the thoughts and lazily gets out of the bed ,she heads to the loo

She went to her bathroom to get freshen up , as soon as she brushes her teeth and splashed some water on her face she looks on her left hand with a frown ...

When she looks at her hand again ...she noticed a ring ...she kept fidgeting with the ring as she never remembers buying this particular ring or even putting it on

she kept fidgeting with the ring as she never remembers buying this particular ring or even putting it on

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Then a thought strikes her mind ...did jimin put this on ? Is this a promise ring ? Or maybe ...? Where is this guy!!!

She jumps with excitement and keeps looking at the ring ...

She went to look for him ..but he wasn't anywhere so she decides to call him but he never picks up ...she was a bit disappointed but just then yoongi called her ..

On the call 📞

Y - hello ?
S- oppa
Y- princess i need a help ! Can you go to my room and grab the box with a green cover
S- sure oppa ...
Y- you see it ?
S- yeah left it on the bed oppa ...
Y- thank god ..ill just send someone to get it in 5 ...hand it over and keep it with you till then's really important
S- ne ! ...oppa ?
Y - yeah princess?
S- do you know where's he ? Chim ...
Y- he's not here ...he actually left as soon as the meeting was over !
S- oh okayy...

Call hangs up !

Sakura took the box with her as she waits jimin to call her  and went downstairs to the living room to have her breakfast till then ...

She took out the cereal box out of the cabinet and the milk from the refrigerator..she threw some cereal in her favourite bowl and poured the milk over it

She enjoys the meal and whilst scrolling down her socials ...

And then her phone starts ringing...

And then her phone starts ringing

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SOULMATE ( jimin ff) complete ✅Where stories live. Discover now