The Shadows Hold a Dark Place (Part 2)

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"But did it hurt?" Zuri asked.

She examined my face, tilting and turning my head around to check any damages.

"My cheek aches a little bit but that's about it," I assured her.

We sat in the courtyard, along with several other students that were scattered around. While I was walking to the cafeteria I ended up running into Zuri, we decided to spend our morning sitting outside and talk about what happened yesterday. Apparently word got out that I got attacked, and Hendrix was almost killed. Though, I don't know how that could happen. Who could find that out?

"What a dick, injuring an innocent person and then proceeding to attacking another," Zuri said.

We both sat on a stone bench that was hidden under the shade of a tree.

Zuri rubbed my right cheek, "And you're sure you didn't see any features from him?"

Truth is, it's hard to lie like this. Especially to Zuri. I only known Zuri since the beginning of this year but I feel like I can trust her. Yet here I am, lying for almost no reason. I'm just afraid something is gonna happen to her or Aria.

"No, I'm still mad about it too," I answered, "The guy ran away when he attacked me and even then, I didn't see anything."

Zuri looked at me concerned. She's obviously worried about this whole thing. Somebody almost got murdered and they're still roaming the school.

Every hour, I get more and more questions. How did I not hear Jeremiah attack Hendrix? What was that clicking noise that lead me to Jeremiah? Who was in my backyard last night? There's been so many weird things and yet I can't add it all together.

"You have to be careful. Now that you had an encounter with them, they might target you again to cut all the loose ends," Zuri spelled out.

That's true.

The school bell rang in the courtyard, blasting a loud beep like a police siren.

Zuri stood up, "Alright, I got to get to class."

I felt a little bad she had to leave. I kinda want to talk to someone, but sadly I couldn't.

"Here," Zuri pulled out a piece of paper from her school binder and started to write something on it.

She handed it to me, "If anything happens, I'll be here if you need me."

She ran off, starting her journey to her first class. I guess I should start walking to mine as well.

I looked at the paper and saw ten numbers written on it.

"Her number," I said.

I'm one lucky guy, I don't think Zuri hands out her number to everyone.

I stuffed the paper in my pocket and proceeded to walk to my class.

The day felt like an eternity. I couldn't focus in class because I was worried about Hendrix. Even over the weekend, what happened Friday was on my mind. I also couldn't do any school work today cuz' I was thinking about what happened last week; and the day before that.

It's currently October 8th. With twenty-three days left until my birthday, I wasn't too excited for the spooky season. I'm normally happy when it's my birthday month, but after what's been going on; I'm not a big fan anymore.

The hallways were decorated with Halloween themed items. With the lights dimmed low, the only light you would get are from the Halloween themed LED lights. The lights were either pumpkins or ghosts, they looked pretty cool if you ask me. I saw that there were some posters along the walls, telling us to have a "Happy Halloween"; I read one of them that mentioned a Halloween dance. I mean, out of all the holidays to have a dance for, you picked the one where most people would be outside doing other things.

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